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Norway donates US$3 billion to support climate change efforts in east and south Africa.  

European Union
The European Union launches a US$131 million-a-year plan to provide free fruit and vegetables to schools across Europe.

United Arab Emirates
The United Arab Emirates cancels the entire $7 billion debt owned to it by Iraq.

Leading international NGO, Plan, launches a US$1.5 billion program to aid children at risk from hunger and malnutrition due to rising food prices. 

Portugal forgives Mozambique’s entire US$393 million debt.   

Norwegian Parliament Member Inga Thorkildsen
Norwegian Parliament Member Inga Thorkildsen speaks out on the importance of factoring the effect meat has on global warming into climate policy. 

Sony Pictures, Universal Studios, Warner Bros, Paramount Pictures, Walt Disney Studios and Twentieth Century Fox
In cooperation with health authorities in California, USA, six major Hollywood studios agree to display anti-smoking ads on youth-rated movie DVDs.


Nigeria commits US$51 million to tree planting across the country in over the next six months to stop desertification.

Hawaii, USA
The Hawaiian House and Senate in the US unanimously pass a resolution requesting schools to provide vegan and vegetarian meal options in state school.

Dr. Rajendra Pachauri
Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change promotes a vegetarian diet to curb climate change.

Pastors for Peace
US inter-faith group "Pastors for Peace" brings 100 tons of humanitarian aid to Cuba, gifting computers, vehicles, educational, medical, arts, and sports equipment.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg & Bill Gates
Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City, USA and former Microsoft Chief Bill Gates announce a combined US$500 million donation for anti-tobacco efforts.

José Castellanos
José Castellanos saved the lives of 25,000 Jews during the Second World War by granting forged nationality certificates. 

Mayor Lin Junq-tzer
Mayor Lin Junq-tzer of Hsinchu City, Formosa (Taiwan) holds a press conference encouraging people in “Fighting global warming through the vegetarian diet to save the Earth!”

Warren Buffett
American investor and philanthropist Warren Buffett donates over US$2 billion to 5 charitable foundations.

NTUC FairPrice Foundation
The charity foundation for Singapore’s FairPrice supermarket chain donates approx. US$1.1 million to the government to help the less fortunate.

Kenya bans smoking in public areas including workplaces, cinemas, restaurants, and hotels.

Liu Bi-shia, Formosa
Liu Bi-shia, Chairman of the Siansi Township Mediation Committee in Formosa (Taiwan) shares the benefits of a vegetarian diet with others.

Trần Văn Nhâm
Teacher Trần Văn Nhâm educates poor Mekong Delta children for free.

Danish International Development Agency
The Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) donates US$1.2 million to support improvements for the disabled in Ghana.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donates US$500,000 to aid the recovery of 4,000 families in the typhoon hit Philippines.

Kirkwood Community College
Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA offers its space as a sanctuary to some 1,200 animals evacuated for the Midwestern floods.

United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates’ Ministry of Health encourages citizens to eat vegetarian for personal and environmental health during the first vegetarian Meveg Festival. 

Iowa, USA
The state of Iowa, USA approves statewide ban on smoking.

South Korea
South Korea ships US$1.22 million worth of materials to North Korea to help prevent the occurrence of malaria in the summer months.

In a reversal of a previous policy, Australia’s Parliament rules that arriving immigrants will no longer be automatically detained.

British singer Morrissey promotes meat-free living during the O2 concert in Hyde Park, United Kingdom, and calls for a meat ban at the event.

The Grammy Award-winning band Editus from Costa Rica begins a tour of free concerts called “Editus 360” to promote Earth protection and vegetarianism.

New York, USA
New York, USA imposes smoking ban in all college and university dormitories throughout the state as well as the highest taxes on cigarette purchases in the US.

Paul Watson
Greenpeace co-founder and vegan Captain Paul Watson patrols the oceans in the ship Sea Shepherd to protect the lives of seals, whales and fish. 

Germany waives $400 million of debt owed by Liberia and, with other donors, pledges a combined $115 million for Liberia’s reconstruction fund.

Professor Ray Winton
Professor Ray Winton develops a bandage capable of reading blood chemistry, eliminating the need for needles to read insulin and cholesterol levels. 

The Arab Bank of Economic Development
The Arab Bank of Economic Development donates US$18 million to Katsina state in Nigeria to support improvements in food security such as increased agricultural production.

European Union
The European Union commits to lend US$190 million in development funding to Togo over the next three years. 

Stanbic Bank Botswana
Stanbic Bank Botswana donates US$384,100 to people affected by xenophobic violence in South Africa. 

The Netherlands bans smoking in cafes, bars and restaurants as of July 1, 2008. 

Singapore prohibits advertising on all forms of tobacco products. 

Brazil passes a new law requiring drivers to be alcohol free, resulting in a 25 percent decrease in overall alcohol sales. 

Takoma Park, USA
Takoma Park, Maryland, USA bans the production and sale of foie gras, or “fatty liver” of ducks and geese.

United Kingdom
The United Kingdom donates US$956,000 to Pakistan over the next three years. 

Merseyside, United Kingdom
A smoking ban has prompted thousands of people to give up smoking in Merseyside and Cheshire.

Spain donates over US$5 million to the World Food Program for grain purchase in Ethiopia. 

British rocker Morrissey, who inspired fans in 1985 to go vegetarian through his “Meat is Murder” album, continues to influence people through his music and meat-free living. 

Lee Hong-yuan, Formosa
Lee Hong-yuan, Taipei County Deputy Magistrate in Formosa (Taiwan) encourages people to go vegetarian to love animals, to think positively, and to pray or meditate. 

Ben and Luanne Russell
Ben and Luanne Russell donate US$25 million, as part of a “Keeping Promises” Capital Campaign, for a new facility at Children’s Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama.

Russia waives $16 billion in debt owed by African states and enters negotiations over an additional $550 million.

Czech Republic
The Czech Republic waives US$3 million in debt owed by Cambodia.

Reverend John Dear
Jesuit Priest John Dear encourages vegetarian eating by writing in the US “National Catholic Reporter” about the moral implications of a diet based on consumption of meat.

International donors
International donors pledge $1.6B in aid for Kosovo to assist her in rebuilding her economy.

PetroSA Inc
PetroSA Inc. donates R1.5 million to assist those most affected by the recent rains in the Western Cape.

The Polish government presented to President Lech Kaczynski a plan for withdrawing troops from Iraq by October 2008.

Magistrate Cheng Yung-chin, Formosa
Magistrate Cheng Yung-chin in Hsinchu County, Formosa (Taiwan) is the first magistrate ever to openly appeal to the public and his staff to eat vegetarian to save the Earth from global warming.

China continues to expand her forestation effort with more than 53.4 million hectares of forests being added in 30 years to rank first in the world. 

The Egyptian Parliament bans female circumcision and moves the legal marriage age for girls from 16 to 18 years of age.

New Zealand
New Zealand allows 94,000 people in Kiribati Island to immigrate in order to escape rising sea levels. 

University of Leeds

University of Leeds in the United Kingdom develops a waterless clothes washing machine which reduces energy and water consumption from 13 percent to under 2 percent. 


Neil Waldron
Neil Waldron from United Kingdom jumps off an 2.4 meters bank into the River Ancholme to save a 9-week-old Pomeranian puppy named Honey.

Iran has accepted more than 1 million Afghan refugees to date and taken in thousands of Iraqi refugees over the years.

Geoff Mills
Geoff Mills of Australia rescues two truck drivers stranded in their vehicle for hours in rising floodwaters.

The founder of animal rights group Voiceless offers a circa US$24,000 reward to anyone who can devise a feasible way to stop factory farming in Australia.

Đinh Trần Vũ
Đinh Trần Vũ An from Sa Đéc town in the southern Đồng Tháp Province in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) invents a drain for household wastewater treatment.

Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi
Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi has become an international symbol of heroic and peaceful resistance in the face of oppression.

Pierce Brosnan
Famed actor Pierce Brosnan and his wife Ms. Keely Shaye Smith donate more than US$1 million to environmental and other organizations.

Skipper the dog
A one-year-old dog, Skipper, saves Ms. Gloria Johnson’s life by waking her up during a fire. 

Argentina funds scholarships for 14,000 children so that they may leave the workforce and continue their studies. 

Hyderabad, India
The Indian state of Hyderabad announced it would transfer lands to qualified low income individuals.

Egyptian government puts out graphic warnings on cigarette labels as part of an anti-smoking campaign.

Little Dear & Qianjin
Two dogs Little Dear and Qianjin save an old woman trapped between two big rocks for eight days after the Sichuan earthquake.

Mr. Mike Wood
Mr. Mike Wood of Hawii, USA donates over US$9 million to create a secure place for siblings to be together during Child Welfare proceedings. 

Ontario, Canada
Ontario, Canada pledges to protect a large area of the northern boreal forest and wildlife to help curb climate change. 

James Oliver and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
British chefs James Oliver and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall host TV show drawing attention to the lives of factory-farmed chicken, resulting in plummeting sales of mass-produced chicken. 

Lance Corporal Matthew Croucher
British Lance Corporal Matthew Croucher receives the George Cross for saving the lives of his comrades by throwing himself on a live grenade. 

Formosa (Taiwan) provides US$7 million to the Solomon Islands to assist the National Plantation Development Project to plant trees.

Ireland pledges US$11 million to Ethiopia to provide food to 8 million needy people. 

Rodney Berdin
Rodney Berdin, a 13 year-old, keeps his family from drowning after a Typhoon washes away their home in the Philippines.

Keith McVey
Keith McVey jumps into Lake Nesmith and rescues a young girl.

Rosemary Stasek
Rosemary Stasek, through her US A Little Help charity, brings aid and comfort to Afghan women, including blankets to a maternity ward, knitting needles for the blind and school art supplies. 

Shirley Herrington
US Daycare operator Shirley Herrington rushes back into the burning day care facility to save a 4 year old still inside.

Corey Warburton
Corey Warburton, a 14 year old, dives 15 meters off a bridge to rescue a suicidal woman in Australia. 

Daniel Burd
Canadian teenager Daniel Burd uses natural ingredients to identify microbes which decompose plastic and reduced the process from 1,000 years to a few months. 

The Salwens family
The Salwens family in Atlanta, Georgia, USA sell their US$1.8 million home to alleviate world hunger.   

Tony Stewart
US race car driver Tony Stewart donates 40 bullet-proof vests, valued over US$35,000, to police dogs in five US states.


A pet rabbit called “Rabbit”
An Australian pet rabbit called “Rabbit” saves the lives of his human companions from a housefire by scratching at their bedroom door. 

Jack the terrier mix dog
Rescued dog Jack is nominated “Dog of Valor” finalist in a national contest in the US for his noble and loyal care to his ill human companion.

Saurabh Zilpe
Saurabh Zilpe in India found and handed over currency notes amounting to US$232 to a policeman.



United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization delivers 500 tons of seeds in 20 trucks to help Mauritania improve food security. 

French oil giant Total will contribute €102 million to help poor households in the wake of rallies against fuel price hikes.

Arab Monetary Fund
The Abu-Dhabi-based Arab Monetary Fund forgives Iraq’s debt of US$100 million.

Johanna McCloy
Johanna McCloy succeeds in getting half of US baseball stadiums to add vegetarian hotdogs to their concession menus.

John Salley
US basketball legend John Salley records an ad for PETA stating vegetarianism is the best way to eat, and that it improved his athletic performance.  

Governor David Paterson
Governor David Paterson signs a smoking ban for all college and university dormitories in New York, USA.

Philippine Army
The Philippine Army implements a smoking ban after a money-saving, two-day car-less policy.

Carl Hodges
Esteemed US scientist Carl Hodges uses salt water to grow salicornia, which can be used as food and biofuel where good soil and water are sparse.

Jewish Vegetarians of North America
Jewish Vegetarians of North America informs the Jewish community and all that a shift to vegetarianism is essential to avoid the climate catastrophes.

Iraqi courts
Iraq’s courts encourage greater unity between Shi’ite and Sunni Arabs by granting amnesty to 20,000 detainees and dropping charges on 76,700 others.

Students at MIT
US Students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology assemble a solar dish that can provide energy less costly than oil, coal or nuclear.

Al Gore
Appearing at Netroot Nation Convention at Texas USA, former US Vice President Al Gore encourages guests to act upon energy issues and confirms the benefits of a diet with less meat.
Following discussions with the Humane Society, USA, online merchant decides to stop its multimillion dollar fur business.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd
Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd urges an end to nuclear weapons during his visit to Hiroshima peace memorial museum in Japan.

Sinorgchem-Carlyle Group
Sinorgchem-Carlyle Group donates US$3.23 million to the Chinese Youth Volunteers Organization.

Malaysian Muslim clerics
Malaysian Muslim clerics encourage their followers to refrain from taking turtle-eggs in order to protect the endangered leatherback turtles. 

Philippines bans all forms of advertising tobacco of products to protect people from the harmful effects of smoking.

European Union
The European Union pledges €1 billion in unused farm subsidies to African farmers to help alleviate the global food crisis.

UN Refugee Agency
United Nations Refugee Agency enables thousands of children to return to classes by restoring 134 primary schools in northern Uganda. 

Dr. Võ Tòng Xuân
Dr. Vo Tong Xuan leads a group of Aulacese (Vietnamese) farmers to Sierra Leone, where they helped the local farmers quadruple their rice yields. 

Battery Hen Welfare Trust.
Scottish branch of the Battery Hen Welfare Trust purchases over 600 caged egg-laying hens and arranges their adoptions as animal companions.  

Interplast, an international humanitarian organization, provides needed surgeries at no cost for children of developing nations. 

Southern Sudanese officials launch a comprehensive plan to reclaim firearms to assist in maintaining national peace. 

The Philippines approves a bill prohibiting advertisements that are degrading to women.

Samsung’s Hope Gala raises $1.1 million to assist disadvantaged children and families across the United States.

Philips Electronics and Malaysia
Phillips Electronics and Malaysia collaborate to share information in fun ways about energy conservation and sustainability among 20 primary schools.

Indiana, USA
Indiana, USA nears her halfway goal of planting one million trees.

Ms. Josefina Condori
Ms. Josefina Condori supports the rights of domestic workers and provides a home for unemployed young girls without family nearby. 

Mariana Tosca
Hollywood actress Mariana Tosca promotes veganism.

Bruce Friedrich
Vice President of PETA Bruce Friedrich states high food prices are not due to biofuels, but to feeding grain to livestock, and calls for government to end subsidies to the meat and grain industry. 

Kanu Heart Foundation and Globacom
The Kanu Heart Foundation, founded by Nigerian football player Nwankwo Kanu, teams up with Globacom to raise funds for 1,000 heart surgeries.

Pamela Anderson
Celebrity and vegan Pamela Anderson donates her 2000 Dodge Viper for an auction that raised $65,000 for a campaign to protect reptiles in India.

Veer Bhadra Mishra
Veer Bhadra Mishra, a Hindu priest and scientist, develops a water treatment system that can clean up India’s Ganges River near the holy city of Varanasi.

China's Taiwan Affairs Office
China's Taiwan Affairs Office offers a supply of fresh vegetables to the Formosan (Taiwanese) people whose crops were ruined by typhoon Kalmaegi.

Oceanic Bank Plc
Oceanic Bank Plc donates nearly US$153,000 in school furniture and computers to Kebbi, Nigeria for helping facilitate education and computer literacy.

Standard Bank Namibia
Standard Bank Namibia donates over US$6,000 to support the training of human resources in such fields as health, business and agriculture.

Lamin Kanji
Lamin Kanji of Gambia shares his cash prize awarded from telecom provider Africell by donating supplies to the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital.

Japan’s company Kyocera donates solar packages to 20 Tanzania primary schools, with each containing a TV set, lights and a solar power generating systems.

Delaware, USA
The US state of Delaware passes a law mandating that all clothing containing animal fur must be clearly labeled.

Police and animal control officers of California, USA
Police and animal control officers of California, USA, go door to door rescuing animals following a wildfire evacuation order in the city of Santa Cruz.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
California’s Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signs a law that makes California the first US state to ban the use of trans fats, which can cause various diseases.

Western Australia
Western Australia’s state government bans fruit-flavored cigarettes to protect youth from cigarette addictions and supports tougher labeling on alcohol products. 

Japan-Sino Green Exchange Foundation
Japan-Sino Green Exchange Foundation donates US$63,000 to fund the planting of bamboo trees in China's Sichuan Province for the rare giant panda.

France bans the sale of alcohol to minors and drinking near public schools to reduce binge drinking among youth. 

Bideawee Animal Shelter
Bideawee Animal Shelter in the US helps homeless children learn to read by bringing in dogs as listeners. 

Iran becomes Sri Lanka's top donor after committing to build a hydro power plant and upgrade the island's oil refinery.

Russia has cracked down on several Australian meat producers and imposed temporary import bans on several processing plants.

California Air Resources Board
California Air Resources Board embraces regulations requiring cleaner fuel from ocean-going vessels using ports in California, USA.

Ornithologist Bob Zink and city of Minnesota, USA
Ornithologist Bob Zink and Minnesota, USA dim city lights avoid confusing birds on their migration routes.   (also in Special Salute)

Indian Army
The Indian Army assists the Kaziranga National Park by preventing poaching of endangered one-horned rhinos. 

Ian Antonoff and Bill Jorgensen
Ian Antonoff and Bill Jorgensen of Great Britain crawled into a burning house and risked their own lives to rescue their neighbor.

Matt Heath
Matt Heath rescues nine ducklings that had fallen into a sewer grate. 



Dr. David Pimentel
Dr. David Pimentel of Cornell University in New York, USA states that an animal-free vegetarian diet saves a significant amounts of petrol.

Jean-Marie Pelt
French pharmacist, botanist, radio host and author Jean-Marie Pelt calls for return to spirituality to solve climate change.

President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva signs decree to strengthen environmental laws to save Brazil’s natural flora or fauna, and particularly the Amazon rainforest.

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
The Gulf Cooperation Council, comprised of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and the Sultanate of Oman, requires bolder warnings on cigarette packaging.


Sweden government encourages green travel by increasing rail capacity 50 percent and subsidizing the purchase of green cars.

Canadian prime minister apologizes to the country’s indigenous people for cultural isolation and trauma inflicted in decades past.

Russia announces plans to reduce her military 10 percent and increase the budget for eliminating chemical weapons. 

Jim Anderton
New Zealand Health Minister Jim Anderton states smoking and drinking are more dangerous to society than illegal drugs and suggests they be banned.  

Millennium Villages Project
US based Millennium Villages Project provides improved seeds, fertilizers and know-how to have helped Kenyan villages triple their corn production.

Ken and Naomi Henry
Australian treasury secretary Ken Henry and his wife Naomi take their five-week annual leave to care for the endangered wombats.

Mexico City
Mexico City vows to reduce carbon emissions by 4.4 million tons a year by expanding public transportation, capturing methane from landfills and other means.

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and top officials
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and other top officials hand out currency to people on the streets who are in need.

ITM Power
United Kingdom’s ITM Power develops a home system which can re-fuel hydrogen powered cars, and can also be used for heating, cooking and refrigeration.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown calls upon fellow citizens to reduce food waste that amounts to 4 million tons each year.

Sir Paul McCartney and Europeans
Sir Paul McCartney and many Europeans gather at European Commission’s offices in Belgium to urge for the end to the Europen Union’s seal products trade.

A major television channel in France, TF1, especially popular for its coverage of French national news, presents a segment on vegetarianism.

Romanian Senate
Romanian Senate votes unanimously in favor of a new bill which would require television and radio media to broadcast more constructive news.

North Lanier Baptist Church
Members of the North Lanier Baptist Church in Georgia, USA have voluntarily tidied up long untouched Jewish graves at a local cemetery to extend their goodwill across faiths.

New Zealand Cancer Society
The New Zealand Cancer Society has produced a DVD called “Out of Sight, Out of Mind,” presenting cases to urge a ban on tobacco displays in shops

Amanda Ingeli
Rwandan pageant queen Amanda Ingeli coordinates a benefit concert for the young children of Abatanga orphanage.

Bill Clinton
Former US president Bill Clinton makes a deal with six Chinese and Indian companies to reduce the price of a primary malaria medicine by one-third.

South Korean and Vietnamese television stations
Television stations of South Korea and Vietnam jointly launch a Vietnamese channel in Korea with Korean subtitles to promote cultural understanding.

Ameet Satam
Indian social activist and filmmaker Ameet Satam makes a documentary, Vasundhara, meaning ‘Earth’, to illuminate the urgency of climate change.

8 Turkish cyclists
8 Turkish cyclists from the İzmir Bicycle Association set out on a 700 kilometer journey to raise the public’s awareness of global warming.

Mexico plants 8.3 million trees across the country using government-supplied saplings for reforestation and raising environmental awareness.


16 Eco Warriors Award Recipients
Earth Matters Foundation presents the Eco Warriors Awards to 16 people who have quietly worked for the cause of protecting the environment.

CNN sponsors week-long “Going Green: Search for Solutions” special program on environmental issues and green initiatives.

Korea holds first ever Vegetarian Symposium, bringing together 45 groups that advocate the animal-free diet to form green people network

Los Angeles City Council
USA’s Los Angeles City Council approves one-year ban on new fast food restaurants in the South Los Angeles area to encourage healthy food choices.

High Court of Australia
The High Court of Australia grants ownership rights to the indigenous peoples in northern Australia, allowing them to protect and preserve the coastlands.

Isaac Lewis
British youth Isaac Lewis raises US$4,949 for China’s Sichuan quake victims by walking 386 km from his hometown in Wales to the Chinese embassy.

Tristan Lin Yang-Jun
Thirteen year old Tristan Lin Yang-Jun of Malaysia collects over US$7,500 for rebuilding schools in Myanmar.

The Energy Research and Resources Institute
The Energy Research and Resources Institute in India initiates a US$5.5 billion plan to install solar-charged lamps for people short of electricity.

Austria passes a law to further restrict smoking in public places, and prohibits youngsters and pregnant women from working in a smoking environment.

Cameron Delonde
10-year-old Cameron Delonde of Massachusetts, USA, finds and returns a pair of diamond rings to the family of the owner who lost them 12 years ago.

Rosemary Stasek
Former mayor Rosemary Stasek of Mountain View, USA raises funds and travels to Afghanistan where the donations help improve the lives of women.

Boy Scouts – Iowa, USA
Boy Scouts from Iowa, USA were praised as heroes for quickly providing first aid and searching for their friends after a tornado struck.


Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia sends 300 tons of food to the Republic of Djibouti to help alleviate food shortages.

International organization BRAC is building more than 8,000 community schools to bring greater literacy to Uganda, Sudan, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Turkey donates US$680,000 in humanitarian aid for Iraqi refugees in Syria. 

NTUC FairPrice Foundation
NTUC FairPrice Foundation, a supermarket chain’s charity, donates US$1.5 million in food vouchers for needy families struggling with high living prices in Singapore. 



US Humane Society
US Humane Society joins with Animal Rescue League of Iowa in helping rescue animals displaced by the recent flooding.

Ed Begley, Jr

Ed Begley, Jr. renowned actor and longtime environmentalist tells a US audience its time to go vegetarian to save the planet. 

In a debt-for-nature exchange between Madagascar and France, US$20 million is being allocated to maintain certain areas of Madagascar as natural habitats.

Hungary introduces a new alcohol law that restricts sale of alcohol and increases the drinking age to 21. 

Ecologist magazine
To benefit our planet’s population, the Ecologist magazine recommended reducing consumption of meat and dairy products and switching to organic food.

Bell Museum ornithologist Bob Zink and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Bell Museum ornithologist Bob Zink and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources begins a program in which people in Minneapolis, Minnesota USA will dim the lights of 32 key buildings in the city and surrounding areas during bird migration seasons to protect the birds.

Besede modrosti
Dobri ljudje, dobra dela
Glasba in poezija
Med Mojstrico in učenci
Modeli uspeha
Naša plemenita dediščina
Planet Zemlja: naš ljubeči dom
Pomembne novice
Popotovanje skozi estetska kraljestva
Razsvetljujoče razvedrilo
Svet živali
Svet kina
Svet okoli nas
Tehnologija Zlate dobe
Vegetarijanska elita
Vegetarijanstvo: plemeniti način življenja
Zdravo življenje
Znanost in duhovnost
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