We thank the followingand those unknown persons, groups,agencies, organizations and governments for their loving and selfless actions that bring meaningful comfort and assistance to others.May your lives be graced by the Divine with evermore joy and fulfilling reward.

European Union
The European Commission allocates €247 million in humanitarian aid for 12 African countries.

Britain announced an aid package of €600 million to the Democratic Republic of Congo for development projects.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
USAID will assist Jordan with US$100 million for debt repayment and development projects.

The Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland
The Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, and Switzerland donated US$35.5 million to preserve the forests of Âu Lạc’s (Vietnam).

Japan donated US$9 million to improve food security in Ethiopia.

Australia is donating US$9.1 million to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to help displaced persons overseas.

President Barack Obama
US President Barack Obama pledged US$8 million to help Pakistani refugees.

Japan donates US$8 million in equipment to Morocco for flood protection.

World Bank
The World Bank donated US$5 million to Haiti to rebuild public schools.

The United States donated US $1.5 million to clear munitions in southern Lebanon.

George Galloway and UK volunteers
British Parliament Member George Galloway and 300 volunteers brought US$1.4 million of medical aid to Gaza, Palestine.

European Union
European Union plans to donate over US$880,000 to for flood victims in Fiji, the Solomon Islands, and Papua New Guinea.

Morocco and King Mohamed VI
Morocco sends 14 tons of medical supplies to Gaza and King Mohamed VI announces he will rebuild the Faculty of Agriculture at the Al-Azhar University in the Gaza Strip.

Canada donates US$2 million to aid women in Afghanistan.

Dr. James Hansen,  Daleep Mukarji –  Christian Aid,  Ashok Sinha – Stop Climate Chaos Coalition
At the UK’s Climate Change Day of Action, Dr. James Hansen, Daleep Mukarji, Director of Christian Aid, and Ashok Sinha, Director of Stop Climate Chaos Coalition talked about reducing meat consumption to abate the climate crisis.

US First Lady Michelle Obama
US First Lady Michelle Obama supports  healthy eating through fresh produce by creating an organic vegetable garden at the White House and serving fresh fruits and veggies at a local soup kitchen.

Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani
Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani donated land for the construction of an interdenominational Christian church at Mesaimeer.

Russia bans the hunting of baby seals in near the White Sea in northern Russia.

J.C. Penney Co. Inc.
US-based department store chain J.C Penney Co. Inc. announces it will no longer sell any products made with real animal fur.

Luka Nižetić
Croatian singer Luka Nižetić joined Animal Friends Croatia’s campaign to speak out against the use of animal fur.

European Union, Japan, Malaysia
Assistance to Cyclone Nargis victims: the European Union donates US$52 million in humanitarian aid, Japan donates US$3 million to rebuild damaged homes, Mercy Malaysia reconstructs healthcare facilities, and a Norwegian NGO plans to build 6,000 homes.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USA
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave a US$27 million grant to Cornell University in New York for research against the wheat and barley rust disease.

The International Fund for Agricultural Development
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) donates US$23 million to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to reduce poverty and increase food security.

European Union
European Union donates US$7.8 million to the Republic of Congo for health and nutrition improvement.

United Nations
United Nations agencies distributed over $US7 million to thousands of Palestinian families for home repair or construction.

United Nations
The United Nations grants over US$6 million   for Cambodia’s education sector.

China donates US$2.5 million in medical equipment to Uruguay.

Feed the Children and local volunteers, USA
Over 300 local volunteers in Elkhart, Indiana, distributed US$2.1 million in food provided by Feed the Children to families without jobs.

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation donates US$2 million to the World Wildlife Fund and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

Japan donates US$483,000 to Nigeria for primary education and water-related projects.

UN Food and Agriculture Organization and Gambian Vice President Mrs. Aja Dr. Isatou Njie Saidy
With a donation of US$380,000 from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Gambian Vice President Mrs. Aja Dr. Isatou Njie Saidy initiated a program to improve nutrition for students.

Jade Goody
British TV star Jade Goody donated US$139,000  for homeless children in India.

Dame Elizabeth Taylor, USA
Hollywood legend Dame Elizabeth Taylor donated US$100,000 to the Alliance for Christian Education.

Support Australia
Support Australia – a group of Hong Kong’s businesses, individuals, and schools – donated US$39,678 for Australian bushfire victims.

Brazil and Spain
Brazil and Spain donated 20,000 tons of rice to Cuba for hurricane victims.

Russia sent 100 tons of humanitarian aid to Tajikistan.

Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization and other Jordanian charities
The Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization and other Jordanian organizations sent 96 tons of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Heralding Christ Jesus Blessings
Heralding Christ Jesus Blessings offers free health care delivery services in Sierra Leone.

Citizens of Changhua County, Formosa (Taiwan)
Citizens of Changhua County donated cash vouchers to disadvantaged families.

Meatout organizers
Meatout organizers united individuals and communities in over two dozen countries to spread the message of a plant-based diet.

Nell Nelson
Scottish nutritionist and author Nell Nelson wrote in a Daily Record newspaper article that eating vegetarian is healthier and cheaper than eating meat from humanely raised animals.

Cuba sent a team of education and reading experts to help the Dominican Republic become illiteracy-free.

Leisel Jones
Australian Olympic Gold medalist Leisel Jones calls for national laws to prevent whaling in Australian waters.

United Nations Development Program
The United Nations Development Program helps the people of Laputta, Myanmar replant their forests and grow consumable crops.

Sundance Channel, USA
Sundance Channel announced its eco-friendly show lineup for its premiere primetime programming, “The GREEN.”

Ron Borowski, USA
Ron Borowski of Florida fulfilled an 84-year-old woman’s birthday wish in an online ad by giving her a ride on his Harley Davidson.

Jay Leno
Popular US television host and comedian Jay Leno is providing free comic relief show for the unemployed in Detroit, Michigan.


Boris the dog, UK
Boris, a boxer dog, found Zoe Christie dying of hyperthermia in Newton Poppelford and stayed by her side until his human friend found them and got medical help for her.

Besede modrosti
Dobri ljudje, dobra dela
Glasba in poezija
Med Mojstrico in učenci
Modeli uspeha
Naša plemenita dediščina
Planet Zemlja: naš ljubeči dom
Pomembne novice
Popotovanje skozi estetska kraljestva
Razsvetljujoče razvedrilo
Svet živali
Svet kina
Svet okoli nas
Tehnologija Zlate dobe
Vegetarijanska elita
Vegetarijanstvo: plemeniti način življenja
Zdravo življenje
Znanost in duhovnost
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