O nas
AWARD of the MONTH (JULY 2010)   

We thank the following and those unknown persons, groups, agencies, organizations and governments for their loving and selfless actions that bring meaningful comfort and assistance to others.
May your lives be graced by the Divine with evermore joy and fulfilling reward.

Germany donates €200 million to Perú for development projects in rural areas.

Ireland pledges to donate €166 million to Uganda to help eliminate poverty and promote education, democracy and health. Ireland's Parliament bans the cruel practice of stag hunting.

The European Union
The European Union allocates a €150 million donation to provide support for the most vulnerable in the war-affected regions of Sudan; approves a donation of €35 million to support humanitarian activities in Somalia in areas that include food, water, and shelter; and announces a donation of €15 million in humanitarian aid to Zimbabwe for recovery efforts.

The European Commission
The European Commission announces a donation of €71 million to support Palestinian development efforts, and an additional €10 million going toward food aid for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Russia pledges a donation of US$75 million to help Africa reduce the loss of lives of infants and mothers.

Japan donates US$50 million to Afghanistan for the training and reintegration of Taliban members into society.

Kazakhstan designates a donation of US$50 million for an education program that will benefit the citizens of neighboring Afghanistan.

The United Kingdom
The United Kingdom announces an additional donation of ₤45 million to aid Yemen in development and poverty reduction programs.

The United States
The United States donates US$43 million to Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan to assist war victims returning home, as well as to provide support for community development.

Catalonia, Spain
Catalonia, Spain, passes a new law banning bullfighting.

Panama grants legal status to thousands of undocumented residents.

Wisconsin, USA
Wisconsin, USA, implements a statewide smoking ban in work places and restaurants.

Northern Ireland's Assembly, Roy Beggs, and Tom Elliott
Northern Ireland's Assembly votes to ban hare coursing, a proposal that had been introduced by Assembly members Roy Beggs and Tom Elliott.

Paul Allen, USA
US billionaire Paul Allen will donate over half of his US$13.5 billion fortune to humanitarian endeavors and nonprofit organizations.

Katrina Humphrey, USA
Katrina Humphrey of Florida, USA, donates one of her kidneys to enhance the life of a young coworker suffering from an autoimmune disorder.

Dean Kayler and Carly Overhauser, USA
The quick action and resourcefulness of teenagers Dean Kayler and Carly Overhauser save a man from drowning in Washington, USA.

Kesley Burgess, Australia
25-year-old Kesley Burgess of Sydney, Australia, gave his life to protect his mother and girlfriend when their home was invaded by armed intruders.

Samuel White, USA
Samuel White of Georgia, USA, risks his life by jumping onto the train tracks to save a woman who has fallen off the subway platform just as a train approaches the station.

Clayton Williams, USA
Despite his broken bones from a fall when trying to rescue a kitten stuck in a tree, nine-year-old Clayton Williams of Texas, USA, crawled 35 feet to his home with the unconscious kitten in his mouth to ask his mother to take it to the vet.

Essa Khan, Pakistan
While on cleaning duty, Essa Khan of Pakistan finds US$50,000 forgotten by a hotel guest and promptly reports it to hotel management.

Thor the Pitbull, USA
Thor the Pitbull of Indiana, USA, saves his human family from a house fire when he wakes them up and proceeds to drag the family's baby in her bassinet to the front door.

Saphira the Siberian Husky, USA
Saphira the Siberian Husky gives her life to wake up her human caregivers, providing them enough time to escape from the second floor window of their burning home in New York, USA.

St. Francis Animal Sanctuary, USA
St. Francis Animal Sanctuary of Mississippi, USA, rehabilitates 100 dogs rescued from a Louisiana puppy mill.

Horse lovers in British Columbia and Alberta, Canada
Canadian horse lovers in British Columbia and Alberta save a herd of 30 horses destined for a slaughterhouse by buying their freedom and giving them new homes.

International Fund for Animal Welfare
The US-based International Fund for Animal Welfare saves three dozen stray dogs from death in Alaska, USA, giving them a chance to find homes in Canada and the US state of New York.

In Defense of Animals
International organization In Defense of Animals rescues 55 long-tailed macaque monkeys from a chemical testing facility and arranges for their transport to primate sanctuaries across the US.

Nancy Simmons, USA
Dog groomer Nancy Simmons of New Jersey, USA, risks her life to save many of her clients' dogs before the building of her business is consumed by fire.

Brandon Wood, USA
10-year-old Brandon Wood from Florida, USA, blogs to raise money to save chimpanzees from laboratories, as well as raises awareness for the Great Ape Protection Act.

Animal astronauts
To make human space exploration possible, many dog and monkey astronauts have selflessly given their lives in the line of duty.


The City Council of Sacramento, California, USA
The City Council of Sacramento, California approves an amendment to help safeguard the well-being of animals in traveling circuses and rodeos.

Malbumi Group of Companies, Malaysia
Malaysia's Malbumi Group of Companies constructs nine culvert crossings connecting waterways to enable wildlife to travel from one side of the region's Kinabatangan Sanctuary to another.

The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank
The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank will waive Liberia's US$4.6 billion debt to help the country in her efforts to boost the economy and rebuild infrastructure.

France forgives nearly €646 million in Republic of Congo debt to help the country finance projects in infrastructure, drainage, transport, education, professional training, health and environmental protection; donates US$150,000 to the aid organization Doctors of the World to assist them in bringing mobile clinics and medical treatment to Yemeni people displaced by civil conflict; and encourages greater financial independence for Palestine through an initial €500,000 donation to the Palestinian Information Technology Association of Companies (PITA).

The Asian Development Bank
The Asian Development Bank allocates US$145 million to Kyrgyzstan for the reconstruction of Osh city, with nearly half of the funding being donated and the remainder made available at generous terms of credit.

The United Nations Children's Fund
The United Nations Children's Fund plans to donate US$128 million to North Korea to enhance the health and nutrition of children and expectant and nursing mothers; and donates US$1.2 million to help Lesotho's orphans and vulnerable children through education, health, and nutritional assistance.

The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund
The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund approves US$41 million in donations for Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Yemen, North Korea, Nepal, Djibouti, and Eritrea to fund humanitarian projects to help restore self-sufficiency to residents following natural disaster or conflict.

Japan donates US$10 million to Ecuador to develop solar energy for the ecologically fragile Galapagos Islands as part of a larger effort to mitigate the effects of climate change; pledges a donation of US$8.5 million to provide greater access to primary education for young students in Liberia; donates US$1.1 million to Sri Lanka to provide humanitarian assistance for internally displaced persons; sends 14,000 tons of rice in donation valued at US$10 million to be sold throughout Mozambique, with proceeds re-invested in development programs; and donates US$180,000 to Âu Lạc (Việt Nam) to build one school each in the Nam Định and Hà Tĩnh provinces to improve local education.

Egypt improves water security in southern Sudan by extending a five-year, US$26.6 million donation to clean the waterways of Bahr el-Ghazal basin and to provide 30 new wells; and pledges to keep the Rafah border crossing into Palestine permanently open to allow the passage of Palestinians and humanitarian aid in and out of the Gaza Strip.

Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia donates US$24 million in food aid to Pakistan for war victims.

The European Union
The European Union donates €15 million in food aid to alleviate emergency needs of hunger and malnutrition for an estimated 5.2 million Ethiopians affected by civil conflict, natural disasters and drought.

Belgium donates over €13 million to Ninh Thuận province in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) to assist in constructing a water drainage system and treatment plant.

Qatar donates US$13.7 million to the Darfur region in western Sudan to help bring stability and reconstruction to the area.

Russia donates an additional US$10 million in diesel fuel to Kyrgyzstan, with plans to remove duties on fuel exports to help revive the country's economy and ensure peace; and will provide technical assistance in designing, building and implementing a subway system in Hà Nội, Âu Lạc (Vietnam).

The European Commission
The European Commission donates €8 million for a special fund that supplies disaster preparedness and humanitarian aid to regions that may not be widely reported due to their lesser size or relative remoteness; and announces a €2 million donation to India to provide health and psychological support for war victims in Kashmir and Jammu.

Canada donates US$6.5 million to Niger and Chad to provide crucial food assistance for over 6 million people in need.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signs a decree to increase the social protection of media members by allocating US$6.24 million to improve their living conditions and housing construction for the press personnel.

New Zealand
New Zealand allocates more than US$5.5 million to safeguard the welfare of animals through monitoring and reviewing of animal protection laws, and assisting the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Oxfam International
UK-based humanitarian organization Oxfam International approves US$4.4 million from its own reserves in an urgent initiative to alleviate hunger and thirst for people in Pakistan and the semi-arid Sahel region of West Africa.

Norway announces an additional donation of US$3 million to help alleviate the food crisis caused by drought in Africa's eastern Sahel region.

India donates transformers valued at US$1.9 million to Myanmar to bring electricity to areas still impacted by the effects of Cyclone Nargis.

The Netherlands
The Netherlands announces a donation of US$1.5 million to the Organization of American States in support of its peace work in Colombia.

Lord Peter Archer, United Kingdom
British novelist and former politician Lord Peter Archer donates US$1.5 million to help to build a first children's hospital in England's East Anglia.

The UN Development Program
The UN Development Program launches a US$1.4 million cash-for-work initiative in Kyrgyzstan to aid families affected by recent conflict and to assist local economies.

The United States
The United States donates US$1.4 million for the building of a community center for Palestinian refugees in Syria.

Germany donates €1 million to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to assist Afghan and Iraqi refugees in Iran with humanitarian aid for health, shelter, and transportation. Germany's Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle announces a €1 million donation to Somalia for emergency humanitarian aid.

Malaysian citizens and the Malaysian Red Crescent Society
The Malaysian Red Crescent Society brings humanitarian aid to benefit children in Palestine through a US$531,000 donation from Malaysian citizens.

The US Agency for International Development
The US Agency for International Development donates US$533,000 to restore Afghanistan's historic Baghe Qazi garden.

Finland donates €400,000 in humanitarian assistance for war victims in southern Kyrgyzstan's Fergana Valley.

The United Nations and Afghan citizens
The United Nations' donation of US$350,000 and the Afghan citizen's gifts of land enable the construction of new schools in the province of Nimroz, Afghanistan.

The United Nations-Habitat
The United Nations- Habitat's grant of US$250,000 aids the collaborative efforts of the Laotian government and local villagers in bringing clean water to Xieng Ngeun District's residents.

Australia donates more than US$195,000 to establish a nursing station in Loma, Fiji, that will ensure easy health access for mothers and children.

Brazil makes a third humanitarian aid donation of US$150,000 to Guatemala for residents affected by the eruption of the Pacaya volcano and tropical storm Agatha in May.

The Aman Palestine Institute, Malaysia
The Aman Palestine Institute in Malaysia donates US$100,000 in humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Bruce Springsteen and the Springs Close Foundation
US Academy- and multiple Grammy-award winning musician Bruce Springsteen matches a donation of the charity Springs Close Foundation for a combined US$100,000 to provide food for the disadvantaged in his native New Jersey, USA.

Kadhafi International Charity and Development Foundation, Libya
Libya's Kadhafi International Charity and Development Foundation donates €63,000 to provide migrant persons with reintegration assistance in Tripoli.

Former Cambodian King Norodom Sihanouk
Former Cambodian King Norodom Sihanouk personally donates US$50,000 to help the victims of recent floods in China.

Noel Wardick, the Irish Red Cross, the UN World Food Program, and the Niger Red Cross
Under the stewardship of Noel Wardick, the Irish Red Cross partners with the UN World Food Program and the Niger Red Cross to deliver record food aid to the people of Niger.

Anonymous Formosan (Taiwanese) man
An anonymous man donates US$15,000 to provide the public with free plant-based meals through a Taipei County vegetarian buffet restaurant in Formosa (Taiwan).

China Daily newspaper, China
The newspaper China Daily donates US$1500 along with newspapers, dictionaries and clothes to a Beijing charity that cares for the needs of innocent children whose parents are under legal detainment.

Jonathan Bush, USA
Jonathan Bush, a four-year old from Louisiana, USA raises US$650 with the help of his mother, Lori, selling lemonade to benefit pelicans affected by the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Plan Ireland, World Food Program, Niger, and non-governmental organizations
Irish charity Plan Ireland partners with the World Food Program, the Nigerian government and local and global non-governmental organizations to deliver over 1,000 tons of food aid to Niger's Tillabéri district.

The UN World Food Program
To provide aid as Kyrgyzstan emerges from conflict, the UN World Food Program sends 650 metric tons of food for returning residents; and distributes more than 300 tons of food aid through 37 health facilities in Yemen's Shabwa province.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees
The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees is increasing its support for Afghan asylum seekers in Iran.

International disaster relief charity ShelterBox delivers the first 200 of its namesake kits to provide shelter and basic necessities for people in northeastern Brazil affected by floods.

The Philippines
The Philippine government is setting up a compensation fund to provide housing, health, and job assistance to the nation's families affected by civil war in 2008.

Sean Penn
Oscar-winning Hollywood actor Sean Penn organizes and runs a 50,000-person tent city in Haiti that is being recognized as one of the most effective humanitarian efforts for victims of the January earthquake.

Formosa (Taiwan)
Formosa (Taiwan) donates ambulances and medical supplies and equipment to Guatemala to help the nation achieve healthcare objectives, as well as aid remote residents affected by tropical storm Agatha.

The Egyptian Red Crescent Society
The Egyptian Red Crescent Society transfers one ton of humanitarian aid from a Libyan ship, which will be transported by land to benefit residents of Gaza, Palestine.

Christian NGO Tearfund provides food and water to assist the Pakistani people, with plans to also install wells and pass out hand-pumps.

Niger and aid organizations
Niger's government and aid organizations announce plans to bring food and medicines to assist some 35,000 people affected by prolonged drought.

The United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the World Bank
Funded by a loan from the World Bank and donations from the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, an education program in Yemen increases girls' enrollment in schools.

Khalaf bin Ahmed Al Habtoor, the United Arabs Emirates
Emirati philanthropist Khalaf bin Ahmed Al Habtoor donates more than 100 cars to the Palestinian National Authority to assist with transportation.

Spanish-based charity Play4Africa
Spanish-based charity Play4Africa delivers trucks full of soccer balls and shoes as a donation for young Africans in need.

Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Ángel Moratinos, Cuba, the Cuban Catholic Church, and Spain
Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Ángel Moratinos announces the acceptance of additional detainees released by Cuba as part of an accord formed with the Cuban Catholic Church and the government of Spain.

North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-il
North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-il sends army helicopters to rescue 68 people stranded by record rains and flooding.

Belgium, Austria, France and Estonia
Belgium, Austria, France and Estonia offer water pumps, power generators, and water purification units to Romania to assist with recovery efforts in the aftermath of heavy floods and rains.

Israeli medical specialists
Israeli medical specialists in plastic surgery and burns travel to Democratic Republic of Congo to treat residents injured in a recent fuel tanker explosion.

Lebanese medical team
A Lebanese medical team of eight doctors arrive in the Gaza Strip to conduct surgeries in Palestinian hospitals.

Formosan (Taiwanese) doctors, nurses, and volunteers
Several Formosan (Taiwanese) charities arrange for a 12-person medical group to visit Nepal, where they offer free health services, medical kits and materials.

The Tây Ninh Red Cross and Nguyễn Trãi Hospital, Âu Lạc (Vietnam)
The Tây Ninh Red Cross and Nguyễn Trãi Hospital organize a delegation of Aulacese (Vietnamese) doctors to provide free eye examinations, medication and cataract surgeries to disadvantaged patients in Cambodia.

The United Arab Emirates' Giving Hands initiative
The United Arab Emirates' Giving Hands initiative assembles a medical team that travels to treat people in some 300 disadvantaged Egyptian villages.

Police officers of the state of Gujarat, India
Police officers of the state of Gujarat in India continue to finance the education of 500 disadvantaged students for another year.

Cuba extends assistance to Yemen by assessing and meeting the needs of hospitals in Shabwa province.

Women inmates in Panevėžys, Lithuania
Approximately 100 women inmates in Panevėžys, Lithuania knit socks, gloves, and scarves to be given to the less fortunate in preparation for winter in central Afghanistan's Ghor Province.

United Arab Emirates' students, teachers, and parents
Over 50 United Arab Emirates' students, along with teachers and parents, distribute food packages to 1,500 disadvantaged workers.

Sierra Cook, USA
Ten-year-old Sierra Cook of Florida, USA, organizes a book drive and collects more than 300 textbooks to be delivered to children in Africa through USA-based Books for Africa.

Oxfam Great Britain
UK-based Oxfam GB assists indigenous people and disadvantaged women in northern Âu Lạc (Vietnam) improve their marketing of local farm produce.

The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) develops new technology that will speed up rescue services by almost instantaneously locating signals generated by beacons on vessels, on aircrafts, or carried by people.

Father Johannes Wartaya Winangun
Father Johannes Wartaya Winangun of the Society of Jesus trains Indonesian farmers in Central Java to employ organic farming methods while improving prosperity.

The Garden Project, Cathrine Sneed, and Sheriff Michael Hennessey, USA
The Garden Project in San Francisco, California, USA, founded by social worker Cathrine Sneed and Sheriff Michael Hennessey, trains former inmates in horticultural practices and provides organic produce to low-income people at no cost.

Firefighters in Shangluo City, China
Chinese firefighters in Shangluo City, Shaanxi Province work for hours in dangerous flood conditions to successfully save a young boy trapped in his flooded home.

The Jacques' siblings, USA
Five siblings in the Jacques family of Wisconsin, USA host a summer swimming party for 30 local homeless children.

Surgeons at Johns Hopkins University, USA
Surgeons at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, USA pioneer non-invasive brain surgery using a small incision above the eyelid.

Artists, activists and speakers from Massachusetts, USA
Artists, activists and speakers from Massachusetts, USA travel on the Vegan Bus and make and distribute free vegan donuts to promote health, a sustainable environment and ethics through vegan eating.

Hannah Teter, Leonard DiCaprio, Jonas Brothers and Alyssa Milano
US Olympic snowboarding gold medalist, vegetarian and humanitarian Hannah Teter, actor Leonard DiCaprio, musicians Jonas Brothers and actress Alyssa Milano receive the 2010 Do Something Award for their charity work.

The Humane Society of the United States, Ohio state agricultural trade associations, and Ohio Governor Ted Strickland
In Ohio, USA, an agreement has been reached between local animal advocacy groups, the Humane Society of the United States, agricultural trade associations, and Ohio Governor Ted Strickland to provide better conditions for animals, especially livestock.

Indiana, USA
Indiana, USA, is working to save the endangered Allegheny wood rat through a US$500,000 program funded in part by citizens who gave back a portion of their tax refund to benefit wild animals.

The Arizona Department of Transportation, USA
The Arizona Department of Transportation in Arizona, USA, allocates US$400,000 to construct canopy crossing bridges to protect severely endangered Mount Graham red squirrels.

US Department of Fish and Wildlife
In the USA, 72 pelicans rescued from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill are released off the coast of Georgia, while 70,000 turtle eggs from Gulf beach nests are being rescued by the US Department of Fish and Wildlife personnel for relocation, continued incubation and later release.

Aulacese (Vietnamese) Central Forest Protection Department and the Environmental Police
The collaboration between Âu Lạc's (Vietnam) Central Forest Protection Department and the nation's Environmental Police results in the rescue of rare and endangered Moon bears from a bile farm.

Massachusetts' Governor Deval Patrick, USA
Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts, USA signs a new law protecting animal welfare by banning the cruel practice of surgical devocalization of cats and dogs.

Britain's new coalition government is promising renewed focus on restoring populations of endangered animals as well as other aspects of protecting natural environments.

Dr. Lori Marino, Dr. Georges Chapouthier, Dr. Hal Whitehead, and Bryant Austin
Separate studies by American neurobiologist Dr. Lori Marino, French neurobiologist Dr. Georges Chapouthier, and Dr. Hal Whitehead, have all affirmed the intelligence and sentient nature of whales, these same human-like qualities have inspired US photographer Bryant Austin to establish the Marine Mammals Conservation through the Arts.

Forest officials in Rajasthan state, India
Due to prolonged drought conditions in India's Rajasthan state, forest officials are providing water in every location possible for the wild animals.

EurasiaNet.org, Yigal Schleifer, and Andrew Cullen
Media portal EurasiaNet.org features articles on the rising veg trend in Mongolia written by correspondents Yigal Schleifer and Andrew Cullen.

Grant Butler, USA
US vegan Grant Butler of 『The Oregonian』 newspaper reports on the many diverse vegan cookbooks available that demonstrate the accessibility of tasty plant-based fare using natural, unprocessed foods.

Heather Mills, United Kingdom
Vegan British animal advocate Heather Mills writes a letter to show her support for an Australian campaign to restore a now-dwindling dingo population to flourishing numbers.

Tawana Couch of the Society for Companion Animals in Dallas, Texas, and SpokAnimal in Spokane, Washington, USA
Ms. Tawana Couch of the Society for Companion Animals in Dallas, Texas, USA and SpokAnimal in Spokane, Washington, USA partner to save thousands of dogs' lives by arranging to fly them from Dallas shelters to Spokane for adoption.

Pamela Anderson
Canadian actress and vegan Pamela Anderson continues her dedication to animal welfare by volunteering to help with daily duties at a California wildlife center.

The Tri-County Humane Society, USA
The Tri-County Humane Society in Florida, USA, rescues and rehabilitates an ailing Rottweiler puppy from a dumpster.

Lufthansa Airlines
Lufthansa Airlines offer animal companion travelers a luxurious Animal Lounge at the airline's main Frankfurt, Germany airport.

Steve and Carol Buyers, Scotland
After finding Dodo the homeless dog while vacationing in Mauritius, Steve and Carol Buyers arrange for her care locally and then transport her home to join their family in Scotland.


Russian President Dmitry Medvedev
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a measure into law that prohibits any degree of alcoholic or narcotic intoxication for persons who are driving.

David de Rothschild and 5 crew members
To warn of the perils of plastic in the ocean, environmentalist David de Rothschild and 5 crew members complete an 8,000 nautical mile journey on a 60-foot catamaran constructed from discarded plastic bottles and equipped with sustainable solar panels.

The Yemeni Women's Union
The Yemeni Women's Union initiates US$2.5 million in women and youth projects throughout several provinces to raise awareness and reduce young people's use of Qat, a leaf that acts as a narcotic when chewed.

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, USA
The US Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program donates US$2.1 million to public and private schools in Wisconsin for the coming school year to continue encouraging kids to maintain a healthier diet that includes fresh produce.

The United States
The US government allocates US$1.3 million to Washington state, USA to fund Governor Chris Gregoire's plans to build the nation's first highway with a series of electric vehicle recharging stations that span the entire state.

Reza Pakravan
Iranian Reza Pakravan and a friend bicycle across Nepal, raising US$42,000 to build two schools in Madagascar.

The United Kingdom, United States, China, France, Germany, Russia, and the European Union
The United Kingdom, United States, China, France, Germany, Russia and the European Union reaffirm their willingness to engage in negotiations with Iran regarding the country's nuclear program.

Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Saleh
Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Saleh states that sending more troops to Somalia is not a solution and that the only way to bring about peace is through diplomatic dialog.

Global leaders and lawmakers
Leaders and lawmakers across the globe pass smoking bans to safeguard the health of their co-citizens.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signs into law a decree allowing Colombians to travel visa-free to Russia based on a reciprocal agreement made between the two nations.

Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić and Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu
Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić and Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu sign a reciprocal agreement to remove visa requirements for citizens' travel between the two countries.

Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda
To ease travel among their countries, the East African nations of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda propose the implementation of a single visa for all visitors.

The French government upgrades the Palestinian Authority's diplomatic status, which will now be represented by a mission led by an ambassador, in an effort to better support the creation of an independent Palestinian state.

The European Parliament
The European Parliament states that it welcomes the prospect of Iceland becoming a member state as soon as the country halts all whaling activities, in compliance with European Union law.

The Burmese government permits the former National League for Democracy party, led by detained Nobel Peace Prize laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, to form a new party and participate in upcoming elections.

Germany offers to welcome two released detainees from the US-run facility in Cuba's Guantánamo Bay.

Algeria and Cape Verde
The US Defense Department confirms that two detainees, one Algerian and one Syrian national, are being freed from the US-run Guantanamo Bay facility to travel to Algeria and Cape Verde, respectively.

Tunisia's government bans all forms of corporal punishment on children in efforts to encourage harmony in the family through respect, dialog and understanding.

Rangers from Grand Teton National Park, USA
More than 20 rangers from Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming, USA conduct a rescue lasting over eight hours to save 17 mountaineers caught at elevations of 13,000 feet during a lightning storm.

The European Parliament, Struan Stevenson of the United Kingdom, Dutch legislator Kartika Liotard, nd Corinne Lepage
As a result of ethical objections from Parliamentarians such as Struan Stevenson of the United Kingdom, Dutch legislator Karticak Liotard, and Corinne Lepage of France, the European Parliament votes against the use of meats from cloned animals.

French National Assembly members Yves Cochet, Geneviève Gaillard, Gérard Bapt, and François Grosdidier
French National Assembly members Yves Cochet, Geneviève Gaillard, Gérard Bapt, and François Grosdidier call for a weekly meat-free day to promote health and reverse climate change.

The City Council of Washington, DC, USA
The City Council of Washington, DC, USA passes a resolution to encourage eating a meat-free diet on Mondays in order to encourage healthy habits.

Richard Lucas, USA
Bus driver Richard Lucas of New York, USA makes a special stop to alert residents of a fire in their home, saving 10 people's lives.

Azerbaijan's government recognizes the 2010 Year of Ecology with an initiative to improve journalists' knowledge and awareness of environmental issues and protection by hosting a 『Journalists' Ecology School.』

King Mohammed VI of Morocco
His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco inaugurates Africa's largest wind farm near Tangiers, which is also part of an initiative to expand the nation's sustainable resources to 42% of all energy production by 2020.

Indonesia seeds over 30 million trees as part of the country's one-billion-tree planting campaign, which is estimated to reduce CO2 emissions 26 percent by 2020.

European Commission Joint Research Center
A European Commission Joint Research Center report titled "Renewable Energy Snapshots" states that in 2009, 62% of new electricity sources installed in 2009 in the European Union were from alternative energy sources.

Leaders from East African countries
Leaders from East African countries agree to inaugurate a 7,000 kilometer-long, trans-national 『Green Wall』 tree planting program.

Dr. Bob Walker and team
In a recent expedition to Latin America's western Amazon basin, US research expert Dr. Bob Walker and team observe many examples of effectiveness in the Brazilian government's efforts to preserve the rainforest.

Kindergarten teachers in Âu Lạc (Vietnam)
Kindergarten teachers in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) attend a course on teaching children about water, its importance to the environment and essential relationship to life.

New Zealand's Parliament
New Zealand's Parliament passes the Animal Welfare Amendment Act which increases fines imposed for mistreatment of animals.

Malaysia passes new laws imposing more stringent penalties, including possible prison sentences, to better protect endangered animals, and expands the list of protected animals.

TierPartei Schweiz, Switzerland
The newly established TierPartei Schweiz (TPS) or Animal Party Switzerland gives voice to four-legged animals by protecting and raising awareness of animal welfare, improving human and animal relationships.

Canadian Parliament Member Alex Atamanenko
Canadian Parliament Member for British Columbia, Alex Atamanenko, proposes a bill that would prohibit import and export of horses for slaughter and ban horse meat products for human consumption.

The Agriculture Committee of the European Parliament
The Agriculture Committee of the European Parliament announces support for proposed legislation that would reduce animal testing and promote alternative cruelty-free testing methods.

University of Massachusetts Medical School scientists, USA
Neurobiologists at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in the USA discover monarch butterflies use an internal biological compass to migrate 3,000 miles each way between Mexico and the US.

Eight teenagers from central Kansas, USA
Eight teenagers from central Kansas, USA who returned a lost purse they found with US$7,700 inside, are honored by local police with more than US$150 each in reward money that had been donated by community members.


Aulacese (Vietnamese) top official Nông Đức Mạnh and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev
Aulacese (Vietnamese) top official Nông Đức Mạnh and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev mutually affirm the value of their countries' longstanding amicable relations as they pledge to increase trade to US$10 billion over the next two years.

China and Formosa (Taiwan)
China and Formosa (Taiwan) sign an historic trade agreement which is expected to facilitate higher levels of mutual trust and negotiation, and to result in a lifting of tariffs on hundreds of products.

President John Mills of Ghana, whose country has made significant progress in UN Millennium Development Goals, pledges to continue working with partners to improve the lives and well being of fellow Ghanaian citizens.

Brazil and Serbia
Brazil and Serbia sign agreements to allow visa-free travel between their nations.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs Luis Amado
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs Luis Amado pledge expanded bilateral relations and sign a visa-free agreement between the two countries.

New Zealand Action on Smoking and Health
A newly released survey by New Zealand Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) affirms the effectiveness of anti-smoking campaigns by revealing that smoking among the nation's teens is the lowest in a decade.

Dasho Paljor J. Dorji and Sonam Phuntsho
Dasho Paljor J. Dorji and Sonam Phuntsho win the Jigme Singye Wangchuck Outstanding Environmental Stewardship Award after launching the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment in Bhutan.

Yoong Wern, Chew Ming Han, and Dominic Teh Shan Xiong, Malaysia
Malaysian high school students receive the Best Invention in both the Asian and Malaysian Young Inventors Competitions for creating an affordable flood alarm whose buzzer sounds when flood levels become dangerous.

Lockheed Martin
US-based aerospace company Lockheed Martin uses unique 『inverted-V』 engines to quiet sonic booms when flying over land at supersonic speeds.

Natalya Pereverzeva
Russian vegetarian Natalya Pereverzeva, the former Miss Central Russia (Miss Kursk), wins the title of Miss Moscow.

Jessica Simpson
American singer and pop star Jessica Simpson announces that she has adopted a clean vegan diet.

Mike Tyson
Former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson describes to US-based 『Details』 magazine the life-changing experiences of switching to a plant-based diet, including surges of energy.

Palm Beach County residents, Florida, USA
Rising concern for health and the environment among residents of Palm Beach County in Florida, USA is reflected in a corresponding increase in vegan and vegetarian eateries, as well as more meat-free options in other restaurants.

The Honorable Lin Tsung-Hsien, bride and groom, Formosa (Taiwan)
Formosa's (Taiwan's) Yilan County Magistrate, The Honorable Lin Tsung-Hsien presides over marriage of 20 couples at the 2010 Yilin Green Expo, where each bride and groom signed the 『Green Pledge,』 and many expressed support for a veg diet to protect the environment.

The HB-SIA aircraft of the Swiss Solar Impulse
The HB-SIA aircraft of the Swiss Solar Impulse project concludes a successful 26-hour solar plane flight.

Alixandra Fazzina, Britain
British photojournalist Alixandra Fazzina wins the 2010 Nansen Refugee Award for her effective portrayal through photojournalism of the plight of war victims and others fleeing violence.

Deng Li-Wei, Formosa (Taiwan)
Nine-year-old Formosan (Taiwanese) boy Deng Li-Wei, becomes the youngest recipient of Malaysia's 21st International Invention, Innovation, and Technology Exhibition for an eco-friendly faucet power generation system.

Oscar, Spain
A 31-year old identified as Oscar from Spain gives thanks to the hospital, to the surgical team, to the family of the face donor and to his own family for their efforts and support in enabling him to receive a full face transplant.

David Wilcock , United Kingdom
Teen student David Wilcock of the UK is among the finalists in a national science competition for his design of a canine hydrotherapy jacket that speeds recovery time by making it easier for dogs to mobilize their injured legs.

Rambo the canine, India
Boxer canine Rambo in India is the first animal patient to successfully recover from a spinal injury through a treatment making use of his own stem cells that has enabled him to walk and run again.

Nazzaning the feline, USA
Feline Nazzaning from New York City, USA is able to walk again after being the first cat to engage in swimming hydrotherapy exercise at Water 4 Dogs, an animal rehabilitation center in Manhattan.


Singapore's Open Door Fund assists 79 organizations hire around 400 disabled workers over four years by providing over US$70,000 in subsidies to modify workplaces, redesign jobs, and set up apprenticeship programs.

Spain, the Dominican Republic, Brazil and Ecuador, the Union of South American Nations, Colombia, and Venezuela
Spain, the Dominican Republic, Brazil and Ecuador along with the Union of South American Nations coordinate efforts to assist Colombia and Venezuela resolve differences through diplomatic dialog.

US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu jointly pledge to seek peace talks between Israel and Palestine.

The United States
The United States announces that the drawdown of troops in Iraq is ahead of schedule, with a further reduction of 20,000 soldiers planned for the end of August.

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh and Sultan Qaboos Bin Said of Oman
Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh orders the release of 82 inmates to foster unity among political parties; and His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said of Oman orders the release of 300 detainees, granting most a Royal pardon.

US and European Union delegates
US and European Union delegates attending the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) regional meeting jointly request that member state Myanmar free all political detainees and engage in free and fair elections.

The US House of Representatives Agricultural Committee
The US House of Representatives Agricultural Committee passes a bill that would allow travel by the country's citizens to Cuba as well as ease limitations on US agricultural exports to the island nation.

Palestinian Authority
The Palestinian Authority raises taxes on the price of cigarettes for the fourth time in two years as part of a national movement to encourage smokers to quit.

Ecuador provides monthly support for caregivers of disabled persons as well as continued training in areas such as health, nutrition and self-esteem.

Mizoram state, India
The Indian state of Mizoram designates anti-tobacco teams to help ensure public health by overseeing compliance with a smoking ban in public areas.

Philippine Health Secretary Enrique Ona
Philippine Health Secretary Enrique Ona affirms his department's commitment to strengthening public information on the ill effects of smoking to encourage smoke-free lifestyles.

Uzbekistan's lower house of Parliament
Uzbekistan's lower house of Parliament approves a bill to ban advertising of all tobacco products and alcoholic beverages.

Midwives in Rotherham, United Kingdom
Midwives in Rotherham, United Kingdom organize a program with the National Health Service and Stop Smoking advisors to help expectant mothers and their families quit smoking.

City of Yorktonin Saskatchewan, Canada
The Canadian city of Yorkton in Saskatchewan is providing two six-bedroom residences, each with their own mentor to offer support and guidance, for young people in need.

New Delhi, India
Asia's first mobile physiotherapy clinic is launched in New Delhi, India, to serve urban areas on weekdays and provide free treatment to those in need on weekends.

Syria, the United Nations and the Spanish Development Agency
Syria, the United Nations and the Spanish Development Agency identify and rehabilitate 2,000 year-old wells, enabling Syrians to stay in their traditional homes.

Jeremy Renner
Oscar-nominated Hollywood actor Jeremy Renner tours de-mining projects in Afghanistan, highlighting the need to support efforts such as those of the United Nations working to restore safe passage across the land.

Nine Nepali women of the Everest Women Seven Summits Eco-Action
Nine Nepali women raise awareness of climate change by eating an eco-friendly vegan diet while becoming the first all-woman team to summit Mt. Everest.

Schools in New York, California, Colorado, and Kentucky, USA
An increasing number of schools and entire districts in US states such as New York, California, Colorado and Kentucky participate in Meatless Monday campaigns where students are offered healthier meat-free meals that also benefit the planet.

Sean Penn
Actor Sean Penn asks the US Congress to pass the Healthy School Meal Act of 2010, a bill seeking to provide children with more fruits, vegetables, grains, and vegetarian options in lunches supplied by schools.

Syria initiates the 『Frunluk Forest Campaign』 in Lattakia to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining and preserving the region's flora and fauna.

Shanghai, China
China installs one of the largest solar energy generation systems in the world at Shanghai's Hongqiao high-speed rail station as part of efforts to lower carbon emissions.

Lebanon's Ministry of Environment
Lebanon's Ministry of Environment distributes 50,000 green carriers as part of an eco-friendly shopping bag campaign.

Michelle Odhiambo
Kenyan Michelle Odhiambo from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) dons a gown of spinach and urges people to forego meat as a cause of world hunger and become vegetarian instead.

China releases four expectant mother pandas into the wild in an effort to save the species.


Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico, USA
Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico, USA announces a US$1 million allocation for early childhood programs including services to assist homeless children and their families.


Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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