Relief news from Japan - 6 Oct 2011  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news from Japan.
At least 68 people were reported to have lost their lives or gone missing after a powerful typhoon hit southern Japan, especially in the prefectures of Wakayama, Nara, and Mie.

Tens of thousands of residents as well as properties were affected by the heavy rains, floods, and landslides, with the Kii Peninsula’s precipitation levels exceeding past records in the country.

Supreme Master Ching Hai conveyed all her love and prayers as she requested that our nearby Association members please check with local officials and to render assistance to the most vulnerable, adding that funds would be available for emergency aid. Our Association members from Gunma were able to rely on their own funds of US$2,000 to purchase and make emergency relief materials available for several communities that officials let them know had been isolated by the storms.

After learning that the city of Tanabe in Wakayama Prefecture was still lacking supplies, the relief team also delivered much-needed supplies to the Tanabe city office, including 500 drinking water bottles, pairs of sandals, batteries, and baby supplies, for distribution by the government.

With appreciation for the swift work of the Japanese officials and all rescue personnel, we also thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for her unconditional aid and our Association’s relief team for their caring efforts. With sympathies for those who lost loved ones, may such distressing weather extremes be eased through our gentler, Earth-protecting lifestyles.
trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/relief_work_si/350

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