Alcohol intake is costly to health and even life - 10 July 2009  
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Alcohol intake is costly to health and even life.

A study conducted by the universities of Glasgow and Bristol that followed over 5,000 Scottish men for 35 years found that increased alcohol consumption resulted in a higher incidence of hospital admissions as well as longer stays. In a separate study by the National Health Services Scotland, alcohol was found to be the cause of one in 20 deaths in Scotland – a figure twice as high as previously reported. In response to the news, Scotland’s Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon promised quick action on what she is calling the biggest public health challenge facing the country.

Health Secretary Sturgeon, National Health Services Scotland and university researchers, we appreciate your efforts to inform and address the dangers of this harmful substance. Blessed be such initiatives in restoring the security of alcohol-free living to individuals and families across the globe.


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