Longevity secrets of India's most elder: meditation and being veg - 30 Jun 2009  
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Longevity secrets of India's most elder: meditation and being veg .

At 112-years-young, the world's second oldest man Pandit Sudhakar Chaturvedi from Bangalore in India, lives a healthy life, free of diabetes, blood pressure and arthritis - through daily 2-hour meditation, a strict vegetarian diet and devotion in spreading the wisdom of the Vedas, the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism.

Besides practicing yoga regularly, the centenarian works 8 hours a day, giving lectures, consultations and writing articles. In sharing his secrets to longevity, Mr. Chaturvedi advised, "If one follows the Vedas and keeps one's body and soul and speech pure, a healthy long life is in store for him."

Bravo Mr. Chaturvedi for being a wonderful example of a healthy veg and virtuous life!
May Heaven continue to bless you and those whose lives you touch with peace and joy.


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