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Soy linked to strengthened lung function. - 4 Jul 2009  
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Soy linked to strengthened lung function.

A new study from Japan shows that consumption of soy products reduces the risk of lung disease, especially in the case of long-term smoking. Conducted by Dr. Fumi Hirayama and Professor Andy Lee from Curtin University of Technology in Australia, 300 Japanese patients with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) from 6 hospitals were examined regarding their intake of soy. Dr. Hirayama said that the flavonoids from soy foods appear to act as anti-inflammatory agents in the lungs, thus helping protect from tobacco carcinogens. Although the study did not examine this specifically, the protection would likely apply to second and third-hand smoke effects as well.

Dr. Hirayama, Professor Lee and colleagues at Curtin University of Technology, many thanks for this good news about the safeguarding qualities of soy. Wishing people everywhere the gift of being tobacco-free with fresh air and robust health for all.

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