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High animal fat diet linked with pancreatic cancer - 3 Jul 2009  
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 A recently published report by the US National Cancer Institute followed the dietary habits of over 500,000 American people over a six year period and found that men and women consuming high amounts of animal saturated fats were 43% more likely to develop the disease. Pancreatic cancer is typically fatal, making it the fourth-leading cause of cancer deaths in the US. This study corroborates the findings of research conducted in 2006, which also found that a diet high in red meat was associated with a higher risk for pancreatic cancer.

Many thanks, scientists at the US National Cancer Institute for this revealing information about the deadly risks of a meat and/or dairy consuming diet. Our earnest prayers that all people soon opt for the life-saving vegan lifestyle to benefit themselves, their loving families and the animals with whom we share the planet.

http://www.foodconsumer.org/newsite/Nutrition /Diet/280620090829_fatty_diet_linked_to_high_risk_of_pancreatic_cancer.html
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