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Smoking shortens lives by 15 years. - 4 Jul 2009  
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 In an international study on the mortality rates of smokers, the New Zealand Medical Association (NZMA) has revealed that people who smoke face premature death with an average of 15 life years lost. Highlighting the suffering of loved ones, Association Acting Chairman Paul Ockelford said, “What is often forgotten is the impact these deaths have on the people left behind. If you continue to smoke, your grandchildren might never get to know you, and you'll miss seeing them grow up... The best thing you can do for you and your family is quit smoking.” Chairman Ockelford also observed that there are many options available to help people stop the habit, such as inexpensive nicotine replacement therapy.

Our gratitude, Chairman Ockelford, New Zealand Medical Association and all involved in this important study, for helping the public understand the detrimental costs of tobacco use. With Heaven’s grace, may this harmful substance soon be a thing of the past, for the benefit of families worldwide.

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