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Aktivno vegansko življenje z dr. William Harris-om   

Dr. Harris (m): I became a vegetarian in 1950, while I was a student at the University of Iowa (USA). And then when I finally got around to completing my internship at San Diego County Hospital, I realized that in order to get milk out of a cow you have to keep her pregnant.

And I hadn’t realized that, and I didn’t realize that there’s a huge amount of suffering involved in the dairy industry,so I became a vegan.

HOST: Hallo, compassionate viewers, and welcome to another edition of Healthy Living featuring Dr. William Harris a now retired respected US physician, a board member of the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii and a long-time promoter of the vegan lifestyle. Today he will share his insights on diet and health.

For decades, Dr. Harris has been deeply concerned about the issue of dietary choices and their effect on well-being and has conducted extensive research on the subject.

In 1996, he launched the Kaiser Permanente Vegetarian Lifestyle Clinic in Hawaii, USA, where clients learned about the benefits of the plant-based diet including how it prevents disease. 

Dr. Harris (m): The last couple of years as a physician for Kaiser (Hospital), I ran a volunteer Kaiser Permanente Vegetarian Lifestyle Clinic, and the idea was to take a few patients who were willing to listen and try to make changes and teach them how to be successful vegetarians, and by doing that, getting off many of
their medications.

For more details on Dr. William Harris, please visit www.VegSource.com/harris
“The Scientific Basis for Vegetarianism” is available at the same website

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