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Art Share: Vzgoja prirojene kreativnosti mladine-P1/2    1. del
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Supreme Master Ching Hai: We ought to unfold the jubilant, lively and colorful spirit within us. In painting or doing other things, we should bring vitality and happiness to this world.

HOST: Greetings, lovely viewers, and welcome to Good People, Good Works. This week’s show features
Art Share Los Angeles, a wonderful non-profit organization located in the Arts District of Los Angeles,
California, USA.

Art Share operates a community-based arts learning center whose goals are to change lives among
the area’s underprivileged and provide a safe shelter and workplace where both emerging and established local artists can exhibit and perform.

For more details on Art Share, please visit


Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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Predstavitev Najvišje Mojstrice Ching Hai
Seznam humanitarnih aktivnosti Najvišje Mojstice Ching Hai in njene mednarodne organizacije
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  Supreme Master TV Brošura
pdf format  Mapa za novinarje od Najvišje Mojstrice Ching Hai