Interview with John Robbins (author:Diet for a New America)    1. del
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John Robbins is the author of the internationally best-selling Diet for a New America: How Your Food Choices Affect Your Health, Happiness, and the Future of Life on Earth. Considered to be one of the world's leading experts on the dietary link to the environment and health, he is the founder of EarthSave International, a nonprofit organization that supports healthy food choices, preservation of the environment, and a more compassionate world. Many of the nation's leading authorities in health and ecology have called his work among the most important of the century.

The recipient of the 1994 Rachel Carson Award, John Robbins's life and work have been featured in an hour-long PBS special entitled Diet for a New America. An eloquent spokesperson for a healthy and sustainable future, he has received standing ovations at thousands of conferences and speaking engagements worldwide, including the United Nations. John Robbins lives with his family in Santa Cruz, California.

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