Vegetarijanska elita Victoria Moran: Čarobno življenje prijaznosti - P1/2   
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I write books,I write a blog on the Huffington Post, I answer emails and try to get the word out. So let's see, what's come up first is my Twitter account. So I'm going to tell everybody what's happening right here: “I'm with folks from Supreme Master TV, filming, and having fun.” There we go. We have just tweeted. So that's my life. The writing life.

HOST: Halo, peaceful viewers, and welcome to Vegetarian Elite here on Supreme Master Television. Today we travel to New York City, USA to visit a well-known American bestselling author, motivational speaker, radio host, life coach, and holistic health counselor - Victoria Moran.

Passionate about life and helping others, including animals, Victoria has been writing for publications on topics such as health and spirituality since she was a teenager.

Her lifestyle as a high-raw vegan reflects her compassion for animals, as well as her commitment to help people adopt a healthy and deliciously fun life habit. As Victoria so eloquently puts it: “I live my life and do my best to be an example of what seems right to me. If people want what I have, they'll ask what I do.”

HOST: Conveniently, Victoria also offers coaching to people worldwide by phone and on Skype. Victoria's public appearances include being a guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show - twice!, as well as on Good Morning America Now, The Today Show, and NPR's All Things Considered.

Aside from authoring 10 books (one of which has been translated to 29 languages!), she has also written for Yoga Journal, Body & Soul, Woman's Day, Mothering, Natural Health, and Ladies' Home Journal. She has been noted in acclaimed publications, from the Washington Post to Glamour magazine, and has had her own show on Martha Steward Living satellite radio. Let us now meet the wonderfully inspiring Victoria.

Victoria Moran’s bestselling books, including Creating a Charmed Life, Fit from Within, Shelter for the Spirit, and The Love-Powered Diet can be found on and Say “Hi” and learn more about Victoria Moran at


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Besede modrosti
Dobri ljudje, dobra dela
Glasba in poezija
Med Mojstrico in učenci
Modeli uspeha
Naša plemenita dediščina
Planet Zemlja: naš ljubeči dom
Pomembne novice
Popotovanje skozi estetska kraljestva
Razsvetljujoče razvedrilo
Svet živali
Svet kina
Svet okoli nas
Tehnologija Zlate dobe
Vegetarijanska elita
Vegetarijanstvo: plemeniti način življenja
Zdravo življenje
Znanost in duhovnost
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