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Naravno zatočišče: Botanični vrt Rio de Janeiro v Braziliji (v portugalščini)   
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Nature-protecting viewers, welcome to A Journey through Aesthetic Realms on Supreme Master Television.

In today’s show, we will visit the picturesque Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden in Brazil, and discover its rich history, as well as its scientific, environmental and social programs. We will hear from the park’s President Mr. Liszt Vieira, Director of Research Dr. Rogerio Gribel, Director of Environment and Technology Mr. Guido Gelli, Researcher Ms. Rafaela Compostrini Forzza, and our delightful tour guide, Monica.

Monica (f): Hi, we are speaking here from the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro, and we’ll tell you a little bit about the history of the park.

Monica (f): The park area today comprises 137 hectares, and the area we have for visitors is 55 [hectares].

Guido Gelli (m): There are actually three institutions in one: it is an outdoor museum, an institute of botanical research, and a great national park, visited by both national and international tourists.

HOST: Located at the foot of the Corcovado Mountain, below the right arm of the magnificent statue Christ the Redeemer, the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro is a protected National Historical and Artistic Heritage, and a designated Biosphere Reserve of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). In the early 19th century, Prince Dom Juan VI of Portugal arrived with seedlings of spices from Asia and the Caribbeans, and thus founded the Botanical Garden.

Guido Gelli (m): There are fruits and spices that did not exist in Brazil at that time, such as mango, jackfruit, clove, cinnamon, and pepper. He took this area that was away from the city and created a garden of acclimatization, and from this garden of acclimatization and from another garden which was also created, the botanical garden was born 202 years ago.

The park hence became so famous that Brazilian Emperors Dom Pedro I and Dom Pedro II were its frequent visitors.
For more information about the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden, please visit www.jbrj.gov.br

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