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Halo, God-loving viewers. Today, we will begin a two-part program featuring an interview with Ms. Marge DeVivo from the Unites States, a trusted disciple of the great spiritual saint of the Himalayas – Haidakhan Babaji.Haidakhan Babaji is an immortal Mahavatar, meaning a great Divine being who can manifest
a human form at will.

He is believed to be the same mysterious Mahavatar who is described in Paramahansa Yogananda’s fascinating book, 『Autobiography of a Yogi.』

Marge Devivo (f): Mahavatar, it, the meaning of that is that he didn’t come through a woman’s body, he just creates the body.

Babaji has many different forms and many incarnations that he’s taken, but he doesn’t do normal incarnations by being born, and coming through a woman as a little baby and all that. He can form a body anytime he wants to. Now, the first place that I heard about Mahavatar Babaji was when I read 『Autobiography of a Yogi』by ParamahansaYogananda, and that was in about 1970 through 1974.

Marge Devivo (f): It talked about Mahavatar Babaji as a being who came to help the Earth, that he and Jesus worked in connection with each other. The other thing that was said was that any time even you mentioned Babaji’s name in reverence, you receive an instantaneous blessing. And so when I read all of that, I sat very quietly, said his name, and I did feel a blessing. And so then my other prayer that I put out to the universe
right then and there was, 『If you are in a body now, I want to see you.』 And I said it with all my heart and soul and just felt like I really had a deep connection with Babaji.

In 1978, Ms. DeVivo came in contact with Babaji through one of his students who taught workshops in the United States. Finally, in 1982,she and her partner decided to travel to India to meet him.

Ms. Marge DeVivo created a website for all to freely access his universal teachings and an online spiritual-minded community at www.Babaji.net

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Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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