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Jessie Fan: Oživitev starodavne umetnosti Dunhuanga (v kitajščini)   
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Jessie Fan (f):The greatest love is universal love. Likewise, great art should be universal and should embrace all things. This dance represents my love towards Dunhuang, my love towards dance and my passion towards choreography. From the beginning, I always had the vision that it should be universal.

Halo devoted viewers, and welcome to A Journey through Aesthetic Realms on Supreme Master Television. Today, through our interview with an esteemed Chinese dancer we will learn of a glorious folk dance inspired by the spiritual art found in Dunhuang, an ancient city in northwestern China.As a young woman, Jessie Fan studied dance at Chinese Culture University in Formosa (Taiwan). On a fortuitous occasion, she was exposed to a unique dance style which changed her life forever.

For more details on Ms. Jessie Fan, please visit www.JessieFan.com

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The Ancient Art of Chinese Pottery Expressed through Ceramic Artist Wong Guo Zhen (In Chinese)
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