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Parlament svetovnih religij - P1/2 1.,2. december 1999, Cape Town, južna Afrika   
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God continues to bless Africa through a living Master, whose mission of sharing the love from the Most High with humankind, brought her to this land. In 1995,Supreme Master Ching Hai came to Cote D'Ivoire, the Ivory Coast, in West Africa.

The First Lady of the Ivory Coast, Mrs. Henriette Bedie invited Supreme Master Ching Hai to the Presidential Palace as an honored guest. Upon learning of the condition of the local hospitals, Supreme Master Ching Hai immediately made a contribution to purchase necessities,equipment and medicine.

She then was accompanied by the prince of the Ivory Coast to the orphanages in the city of Abidjan. Supreme Master Ching Hai then continued on her journey to the kingdom of Benin, once one of the most advanced of African civilizations.

The Royal family had arranged for a grand reception at the airport to greet their national guest. King Aguli Agbo and his Queen welcomed Supreme Master Ching Hai to their palace and expressed their honor at receiving her in their country.

During her stay in Benin,Supreme Master Ching Hai also visited hospitals, poor villages and several orphanages run by convent nuns. Supreme Master Ching Hai showered the children with her love and gifts. She also made a contribution to the orphanage of Saint Enfant Jesus in order for them to add more facilities.
Before her departure from this country, the First Lady of Benin, Mrs. Nicephore Soglo,invited Supreme Master Ching Hai to her official residence, where a friendly meeting took place between them.  

Q(f): So Master, why did you choose to come to the Parliament of World’s Religions?

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Because I am invited to come here. And we should, every one of us, including myself, should support any activities that unite ourselves to ourselves,so we don't feel too much division and too much misunderstanding between each other. We have a chance to talk to each other. That is a good idea, so I came to support that noble idea.

Q(f): And can you describe for us or just sort of tell us for people that don't understand and who don't know about it, what the Quan Yin Method is, what it actually is all about?

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Right. I started in Formosa (Taiwan), and Quan Yin is the Chinese term for the inner energy, the inner melody, the heavenly melody, which is mentioned in the Bible as the Word of God: "The Word was with God and the Word was God."

This is the Quan Yin, that we reconnect our Self with that energy, with that Word, which creates all things,and therefore, we will become one with God nd we will understand our purpose of being here, as well as we can visit Heaven and have direct teaching from the Most High.

Q(f): So, is it meditation? Lifestyle? How does one live it?

Supreme Master Ching Hai : First we have to go through a remembrance again. because most of us are busy –since we came to this physical world we are busy. So then, we have to remember again. And I show people how to remember their God-Self,that the Kingdom of God is within and that we are a part of God.
I will show people how to remember.

And in order to remember that, we sit down quietly for a while and let God's power take place to reconnect Hirmself to Hirmself within us. And during that process, we will see the Light of God or we see some Heaven, the glimpse of Heaven, or the glimpse of the Father, or have some direct contact with Hirm.

It depends on our level of concentration, we will access to more or less contact with Heaven through the Light, through the Sound, the vibration, the Word within us.

Then we will understand more about everything we want to understand, and we can see God every day in different forms through the Light or the music of the spheres, through the teaching, the melodious teaching of God, or through the form of Jesus, the vision of Jesus, or the saints or the Buddha, who will give us direct teachings, while we ascend to this state of higher consciousness.

We can contact them directly, because they are in a higher consciousness now.
We are in the lower consciousness in this physical body. So, in order to receive this direct teaching, we have to raise ourselves higher than the body, and we have the process to do that, if we remember how. We all know that, it's just many of us forgot.

And I remember it because I have been taught to remember again. So, that's how I can teach people to remember. And once we remember, we can rise up to Heaven anytime, at will. And then we have direct teaching from the past saints, like Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, whomever –they are all the sons of God, they are all the messengers of the Most High, since time immemorial.

In order to have direct teaching from them, we have to go direct to them – not with the body –because they have left, they have gone into a higher sphere. We have to go there. Okay. Just like I have to come here to see you.

I can't see you in America; you live here, you see? So, to see Jesus, we have to go where he lives.
To go see God, we have to go where Hes lives, for example.

Q(f): And who are the people that follow this teaching?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: All walks...

Q(f): How many are there? Where are they from? Who are they? Are they from different religions?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: There are millions of them. They are from different religions, different walks of life, different backgrounds, different professions.But when we are together, we are like one family, all trusting, loving. And together, we harness this collective energy to better ourselves and better the world's energy.

Sorodna povezava
Sprejmite Boga z iskrenostjo in predanostjo - P1/3 23. marec 1989, Hualien, Formosa (Tajvan)
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Vrnitev k nedolžnosti otroštva - P1/3 31. maj 1999, Stockholm, Švedska (v švedščini)
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Ljubezen in skrb sta dolžnosti ljudi - P1/3 25. februar 1992, Malezija (v malezijščini)
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Budistični komunikatorji z našo božansko notranjo modrostjo - P1/3 9. julij 1989, Hong Kong
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Prepričati ljudi z uporabo magičnih moči pomeni motiti njihovo naravo - P1/3 17. april 1993, Montreal, Kanada
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Resnično bistvo našega obstoja - P1/3 24.maj 1999, Budimpešta, Madžarska
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Nadzemeljski način meditacije- P1/3 6. januar 1989, Taipei, Formosa
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Kako vsak dan stopiti v stik z Bogom? - P1/3 22. november 1989, Kostarika (v španščini)
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Je nesmrtnost možna? P1/3 15. november 1988, Taichung, Formosa (Tajvan)
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Bog je vir vseh kreacij - P1/3 15. november 1989, Argentina (v španščini)
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Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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Seznam humanitarnih aktivnosti Najvišje Mojstice Ching Hai in njene mednarodne organizacije
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