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Zlati muzej: Razkrivamo duhovno bogastvo Kolumbije   
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HOST: Greetings brilliant viewers. Today, we invite you to join us on a visit to an extraordinary museum. The Banco de la República Gold Museum in Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, is one of the largest and most distinguished museums of pre-Hispanic metallurgy in the world.

Visited by more than 500,000 people per year, it has served as a bridge of history, collecting since 1939 masterpieces of gold, pottery, shell, wood, and textile produced by the Colombian pre-Hispanic natives.

This unique collection of 33,000 finely crafted metal pieces helps us to understand the way of life and spiritual beliefs of Colombia’s indigenous people.Mr. Eduardo Londoño is the museum’s head of outreach and our knowledgeable guide.

For more information about the Banco de la República Gold Museum
in Bogotá, Colombia, please visit

Sorodna povezava
Temelj za ljudsko tradicijo v Kolumbiji:Predstavitev duha Kolumbije skozi žive ljudske plese, del 1/2 (v španščini)
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