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Mednarodno slavje s člani in prijatelji združenja ob svetovnem dnevu očetov 2010   
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Greetings, beautiful viewers and welcome to Enlightening Entertainment. In many parts around the globe, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. On this joyous occasion, children of all ages express their thankfulness to their beloved fathers by writing cards and letters, offering flowers and gifts, or sharing quality time together to make Dad happy. Today we celebrate in honor of all fathers, with heartfelt greetings and performances presented by our worldwide Association members and friends.

At the start of our presentation, we are deeply grateful for our heavenly Father’s infinite protection and unconditional love. We humbly offer our thankfulness to Supreme Master Ching Hai, our revered Master,
who has always been a beloved spiritual parent and guide to us, and is especially so at urgent this time
for our planet.In September 2008, Supreme Master Ching Hai prepared a vegan meal in loving memory of her mother, and shared the following reminder about honoring our parents.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: I wish you have better luck than I do,meaning having your parents for a long, long, long time and enjoy their love. And I wish your parents healthy, happy and having very, very filial and good, virtuous children, who make them proud. Enjoy your parents for me. I love them also because they are good. They are the best friends that we can have in this physical life. They are the best.

Loving viewers, please enjoy our program on Father’s Day 2010.

Sorodna povezava
Happy New Year 2010
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Celebrating The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day with International Performances
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Supreme Master TV's 3rd Anniversary Special:In Praise of Our Loving Animal Co-Inhabitants,P1/2
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Supreme Master TV's 3rd Anniversary Celebration with Our Association Members & Friends, P1/2
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Ponovni prenos oddaje v živo ob praznovanju Lunarnega Novega Leta 2009 z Najvišjo Mojstrico Ching Hai - 1.del
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Slavnostne predstave ob praznovanju Lunarnega Novega Leta 2009 članov Mednarodnega Združenja Najvišje Mojstrice Ching Hai & Prijateljev - 1. del
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Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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  Supreme Master TV Brošura
pdf format  Mapa za novinarje od Najvišje Mojstrice Ching Hai