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USTAVITE KRUTOST DO ŽIVALI Na meji – Žalostna zgodba naših morskih prijateljev   
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The images in the following program are very sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about cruelty to animals.

Lynne Sneddon (f):Personality’s been found in a range of fish and we’ve studied rainbow trout, carp, saber fish and stickleback so there’s wide range of fish that show these personality differences.

HOST: Gracious viewers, this is Stop Animal Cruelty on Supreme Master Television. Today, June 8th is World Oceans Day as declared by the United Nations. 

This year’s theme is: 『Our Oceans: Opportunities and Challenges.』 In honor of this important occasion, we focus on the widespread, savage treatment of marine life, specifically our bright fish friends who have emotions, are capable of feeling pain and wish to live free and in peace just as any of us do. Their will to live is certainly obvious through visual observation of their desperate struggle for life when caught.

They suffer immensely, not only from suffocation but some are crushed to death after being thrown onto fishing vessels while others are still alive when their throats and bellies are cut open.

According to the United Nations, in 2005, commercial fishing operations took 90 million tons of fish from the oceans. However this huge figure does not even begin to give one an idea of the true scale of death caused by the  fishing industry.

Sadly some still hold the belief that fish are lower level beings incapable of experiencing feelings. But this is a complete myth and the opposite is true.

For more details, please visit
the following websites:
PETA India www.PETAIndia.com
Lynne Sneddon www.Liv.ac.uk/marinebiology

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Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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