Kao Cheng-sheng - Reviving Danaiku Valley,Formosa (Taiwan) (In Chinese)   

Kao Cheng-sheng  (m):
They gave me a nickname, the “green priest.”Actually, I am not a priest. I am just an ordinary Christian, but I love God very much. So, God has specially sent angels to give me a gift. My angels sang before me and the song was about how God loves the people in this world. Having received this song, I share God’s love with all the people around me and let them know that God loves each of us. However, God also loves the great nature that He created. Thus we must live with nature in harmony.

Originally everything was kaput. But because I didn’t give up. I kept seeking Him, so God let me see Him. And then I use the love that He gives me to love myself, love my family, and to love other people. Thus, many impossible things become possible. Dead rivers were revived. People despising each other reconciled. Hopeless tribes became hopeful ones.

Besede modrosti
Dobri ljudje, dobra dela
Glasba in poezija
Med Mojstrico in učenci
Modeli uspeha
Naša plemenita dediščina
Planet Zemlja: naš ljubeči dom
Pomembne novice
Popotovanje skozi estetska kraljestva
Razsvetljujoče razvedrilo
Svet živali
Svet kina
Svet okoli nas
Tehnologija Zlate dobe
Vegetarijanska elita
Vegetarijanstvo: plemeniti način življenja
Zdravo življenje
Znanost in duhovnost
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