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Ibrahim Ahmad Abu el-Hawa – Jeruzalemski mirovnik in njegov zlat ključ ljubezni (v arabščini)   

Mr. Ibrahim Abu el-Hawa,who lives on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem is a living symbol of peace and friendship.

(Interview in English)
Ibrahim (m): Peace be upon you. You are most welcome.
You are most welcome. You are here on the top of the Mount of Olives,in a special holy mountain which has received a lot of love,this mountain,from thousands of thousands of years. And that the holy mountain,the story from the time of all the prophets,and the story about Moses and Jesus and Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him.

Jerusalem Peacemakers is a network of interfaith peace-builders,both Israeli and Palestinian,who
have been individually promoting peace in their communities.


Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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