O nas
Kalfumalén, glasbeno slavje modrosti Mapuche-jev (v španščini)   

『Mari mari pu lamngen, mari mari compuche!』
I also greet you in the language of the land, in Mapudungun.
I'm Mariel, I participate in the Kalfumalén group, and now we are going
to show you our work, our art, and we hope that everyone will like it.

First, we will make a song for you in order for you to know us. This song is called 『All the Worlds Are Only One.』 In Mapudungun, it’s called 『Kom mapu kiñengey müten.』 I hope you will like it.
It’s founded on the tradition of poet-singing style, which is one of the oldest
musical traditions of our country, along with the language and the knowledge of the culture of the earth people.

Title: Todos los Mundos son uno solo (All the worlds are only one)

All the worlds are only one everything is made of the same,
The gods, spirits, stars plants, rocks and people.
Everything changes and moves, but does not perish.
Everything changes and moves, but does not perish.

Our spirit is like a tree: is born, grows, flowers
and bears seeds, never stops living.
Because it only the shell of the seed changes.
The shell of the seed, The shell of the seed, The shell of the seed.


Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

O nas
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Seznam humanitarnih aktivnosti Najvišje Mojstice Ching Hai in njene mednarodne organizacije
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  Supreme Master TV Brošura
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