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『The Waking Journey』 (Walk With Me)
 Music, Lyrics & Vocals by Here II Here Produced by Free Mind Studios Directed by Guillermo Muñiz

Have you heard the call A whisper in the wind
When you fly and when you fall You can hear the voice within

From where ever you may stand From whichever point
on Earth There’s spirit in your hands This moment is giving birth

To infinite possibilities to love and serve mankind
Your brother and your sister,we’re all the same inside

Welcome,music loving viewers, to Enlightening Entertainment.  In a world where we all pause from our routine from time to time to yearn for peace and meaning,five gifted musicians from the United States are reaching out straight to the soul.

Their group, Here II Here,has been garnering acclaim nationwide as the foremost 『mainstream-spiritual』music band of our time.

They are shaping an emerging genre called 『Conscious Pop』for their sounds that are able to move,
uplift, and expand the listeners’ awareness of their own Divine power.

To connect with Here II Here, please visit

Official Website
Debut Album


Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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Seznam humanitarnih aktivnosti Najvišje Mojstice Ching Hai in njene mednarodne organizacije
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  Supreme Master TV Brošura
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