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Dnevni napotki
To drop a small screw, a contact lens
. Halo there, I’m M’Caw the Parrot and I have a tip I’d love to share. If you happen to drop a small screw, a contact lens or anything small and difficult to locate, a great way to find it is to get the vacuum nozzle out, cover it with a piece cut from a stocking and put it over the nozzle tightly with an elastic band. When you turn the vacuum cleaner on, the stocking will work as a filter and hold anything there until you remove it.
To produce nice, big fruit
. If you have fruit trees like apple trees and you would like them to produce nice, big fruit, gently pick the young fruit off when it’s a bit smaller than a golf ball. Simply reduce the young clusters of fruits down to two to three in each cluster; the tree will then have more energy to devote for what’s left on the tree. This normally makes for bigger fruit.
Can use old carpets
I have a great tip for you today. You can use old carpets in a number of ways. For example, you can create smaller pieces to line the bottoms of cupboards or the trunk of the car; where it will be easy to remove for cleaning. Carpet pieces are also good for lining pet’s baskets, or to use as doormats.
Protect yourself from the sun
. I’m glad I have the chance to say halo and present to you a tip for today. Protect yourself from the sun before you go outdoors. So please consider applying sun block, wearing a hat or even covering your skin. You also might want to spend less time in direct sunlight between the hours of 11am and 3pm when the rays are strongest. Take care, and have safe fun in the sun. Next,
How to get the most from your tomato plants.
. Hi, I’m Flippo and this is Flippy. We’re here to present the tip of the day. Flippy: Hey Flippo, do you know how to help our garden grow? Flippo: No, Flippy, but I’d love to know! Flippy: Here’s how to get the most from your tomato plants. Before the plant bears fruit, just move it gently from side to side at midday. This helps the flowering to spread and increases the number of tomatoes the plant will produce. If you like your tomatoes sweet, try putting one teaspoon of sugar in the watering can when you water them. You’ll have lots of extra sweet tomatoes to share with family and friends. Flippy: Hooray! Flippo:
Put the peaches in a plastic bag
If you’re not very fond of eating furry peaches, here’s a hint on how to make them smooth. Put the peaches in a plastic bag with a tiny amount of water. Tie or zip the bag, and place it on a table. Using your palm, gently roll the peaches in a circular motion. Then, open the bag, pour out the water, and the peach fur will pour away too. Your delicious and smooth peaches are ready to eat.
A piece of cork or wood
If one of your saucepan lids is missing a knob, make a homemade one. You can do this by placing a screw through the hole in the lid and twisting it into a piece of cork or wood. .
How to use our freezer more efficiently
Today’s tip is on how to use our freezer more efficiently. Every now and then, check the ice that forms inside the freezer compartment and defrost it when the ice gets thick. You can speed up the process by placing a bowl of hot water in the freezer, but remember to place absorbent cloths on the bottom to soak up the melted ice. When it’s done, wipe around with vinegar water to clean it and to give it a lasting freshness. .
A few tips for maintaining and strengthening your heart.
I’m Clucky the Chicken, and I would like to share with you a few tips for maintaining and strengthening your heart. First, quit smoking is one of the best things you can do for your heart and the rest of your body. Second, maintain a healthy weight, and eat a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol. Third, it’s important to do some regular exercise. And fourth, relax more. These tips will contribute to a healthy heart and improved overall well-being. .
Cook with smaller appliances
. I’m Rufie the Dog with today’s energy saving tip: Rather than use the oven, cook with smaller appliances such as the toaster oven, the electric skillet or the slow cooker. Such appliances use less energy.
Making food choices that reduce carbon emissions
I’m Skippy the Rabbit. Today’s green tip is about making food choices that reduce carbon emissions. To reduce the effects of long shipping distances and intensive farming practices, you might want to eat more of what are known as green meals. The four principles for green meals are: eat local produce, eat foods that are in season, eat organic, and finally, eat vegetarian foods. Eating according to these four principles can help lighten our effect on the environment.
How to make a dog-friendly garden
Today’s tip is on how to make a dog-friendly garden. Dogs need exercise, and garden paths give them the space for it. They also enjoy basking in the sun. So, make sure to provide a deck or a patch of lawn for them to sunbathe. Keep in mind that dogs can overheat easily, it is very important to provide clean water, cooling retreats, such as densely shaded areas and a well located doghouse.
Tips about vinegar.
I’m Billy the Goat with two useful tips about vinegar. You can help remedy an upset stomach by adding two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to one cup of water. Itching can also be relieved by using a cotton ball soaked in vinegar to dab mosquito or other bug bites.
Seaweed is a rich source of minerals, including health benefits nutrition.
We I’m M’Caw the Parrot with today’s nutritional tip about seaweed. Seaweed is a rich source of minerals, including calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron, and zinc. It also contains important vitamins, such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, niacin, vitamin C, and folic acid. The high mineral content of seaweed also promotes healthy hair. Other reported health benefits include regulating the hormones, enriching the bloodstream, and assisting in metabolism. Many delicious delicious recipes using seaweeds can be found online.
How to prevent condensation on your windshield.
I’m Lionardo the Lion with today’s tip on how to prevent condensation on your windshield. Before going out on the road, you may gently rub a piece of dry soap on your windshield. Then, wipe it with a piece of soft dry cloth. You may also use water containing 90% of rubbing alcohol to wipe your windshield, or apply a couple drops of shampoo on a sponge or a piece of cotton cloth to wipe your windshield. They will also produce similar effects.
::: SOS globalno segrevanje :::
REŠITVE za PLANET od Najvišje Mojstrice Ching Hai
Rešite naš planet - Najnovejše novice o podnebnih spremembah
Novice družbeno-koristih del ob naravnih katastrofah
Toplogredni plini
Krčenje gozdov
Izguba biološke raznovrstnosti
Izjemne podnebne razmere
Pomanjkanje hrane
Človeški vpliv
Taljenje polarnih ledenikov
Dvig gladine morja
Pomanjkanje vode in onesnaženje
Globalno segrevanje zaradi izpusta plina metana
Kritično stanje planeta
Veganska rešitev
Organsko kmetovanje
Zelena tehnologija
Znanstveniki o podnebnih spremembah
Politiki o podnebnih spremembah
Najvišja Mojstrica Ching Hai o okolju
Konferenca o podnebnih spremembah z Najvišjo Mojstrico Ching Hai
Informacije o podnebnih spremembah
Oglasi o podnebnih spremembah
Oddaje o podnebnih spremembah
Poročilo ZN
Dnevni napotki
Rešitev je organsko veganski način
Živinoreja je odgovorna za več kot
51 %
svetovnih izpustov toplogrednih plinov
-World Watch Inštitut
Globalni prehod k
veganski prehrani
bi lahko
zmanjšal stroške nastale zaradi podnebnih sprememb za 80 %
- Nizozemska okoljevarstvena ocenjevalna agencija
Dr. Pachaurijeva predstavitev:
"Globalno segrevanje:
vpliv proizvodnje in uživanja mesa
na podnebne spremembe."
Živinoreja je glavna grožnjaokolju - bolj kot prevoz
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