Popotovanja skozi nebeška kraljestva
Mpumalanga, South Africa: Place of the Rising Sun (In Sepedi)   

Greetings, blessed viewers, and welcome to A Journey through Aesthetic Realms.
On today’s program we would like to introduce one of the most beautiful provinces of South Africa: Mpumalanga. Situated in eastern South Africa, the name Mpumalanga literally means “place of the rising sun” in the African languages of Swazi, Xhosa, and Zulu.
The province spans only 6.5 percent of South Africa’s total area, making it one of the smallest provinces, yet it is one of the most incredible in the entire country. Mpumalanga is adjacent the provinces of KwaZulu-Natal to the south and Limpopo to the north, and is located nearby to the Kingdom of Swaziland and Mozambique.
This special province is teeming with a diverse array of fauna and flora. It is also home to a variety of vibrant cultures. There are more than 3.5 million people of different backgrounds and religions which call Mpumalanga their home today. Precious metals such as gold and platinum can be found here.

Mpumalanga is also a fruit lover’s paradise since many fruits, such as mangoes, bananas, and especially those of the citrus variety grow in abundance in the province. The much-loved and nutritious macadamia nut can also be found in this region.

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