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Duša duši: Telepatska živalska komunikatorka Holly Davis    1. del
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HOST: Greetings, precious viewers, and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Today’s program features an interview with vegetarian telepathic animal communicator, therapist and equine specialist Holly Davis of Wales, UK.

The talented Ms. Davis is also a columnist for such British publications as Equi Ads Magazine, Paws 4 Rescue Magazine, Vision Magazine and Natural Horsemanship Magazine.

She is currently writing her own book about horses that is entitled 『When Worlds Collide – Why the Horses Came.'』 In late spring 2010, she will be appearing in a program about animal communication that will air on one of Britain’s Sky TV satellite channels. Let’s now meet Ms. Davis and learn about her background in interacting with animals.

For more details on Holly Davis, please visit


Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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