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The images in the following program are very sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about cruelty to animals.

HOST: Considerate viewers, this is the Stop Animal Cruelty series on Supreme Master Television. On today’s program we’ll examine the unconscionable, abusive treatment of dogs and cats in Asia in connection with the ruthless meat and fur trade in these animals which is fueled by human greed.

We also look at some of the ways our homeless feline and canine friends experience cruelty in the region. Many stray animals in Asia face a horrible fate.  It is important to note that the terrible way these homeless ones are treated is not unique to this area or any one Asian country, but abuse occurs around the world.

The sad tale begins with the lack of stewardship by some people of the faithful animal companions under their care. In many countries animals on the streets have been abandoned by their former caregivers.

Large numbers of them are not neutered or spayed, resulting in more stray puppies and kittens being born. Where do these animals go?

Nel van Amerongen of the Netherlands, a vegan and the communications director for ACTAsia for Animals, a UK-based animal welfare organization, gives us further perspective.

Nel van Amerongen (f):  Stray animals are a very common problem in Asia. Thousands of animals, cats, roam the streets. They are often abandoned pets and they are involved in accidents and they are occasionally being culled by the government whenever it suits them.

For example, when there is a major event and they want to have a better appearance of their city, then sometimes animals are culled massively just to 『clean up』 the streets.

For more details on ACTAsia for Animals
please visit www.ActAsia.org

Sorodna povezava
Stop Animal Cruelty: Betrayal of Human's Best Friend
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Odiranje življenj: S krvjo prepojena krznarska industrija
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"Zemljani: Naredite povezavo" z dobitnikom Oskarja, igralcem Joaquin Phoenix-om
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Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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