Today’s Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants will be presented in German, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Thai and Spanish.

Halo, caring viewers and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. On today’s program we continue our interview with Ms. Christiane Becker, a delightful telepathic animal communicator from Germany, who will share more fascinating insights about the inner lives of animals. Through years of experience in this field, she has learned many intriguing things about the animal kingdom.

On today’s concluding episode, she shares regarding a cat praising simple living, pigs providing advice on swine flu, and meeting a gorilla who expresses deep concern over the current state of the world. Let's now join Ms. Becker to find out more about the things that the animals would like to tell us.

Could you tell us something about the nature of the cow?

Cows are very spiritual beings with many messages for the people, also with incredibly much love for humans, with incredibly much understanding. An understanding that I sometimes do not have of humans, because I almost cannot comprehend what humans do to the animals.

I asked them in relation to factory farming or what they think about being confined as dairy cows in large barns and being milked by robots. They conveyed incredible understanding, incredible love, but also a clear message: “We are here to teach you something. Through our pain, though our suffering, we want to teach you something.”

Could you tell us something about the pigs? In view of swine flu, do they also have a message for the humans?

Yes, I have asked the pigs as a whole what they have to say about swine flu. They have told us that it is not their problem that there is swine flu, even given the fact that it emerged from them. “You are responsible yourselves.”

The pigs were saying the whole Earth will lose in the end if we humans do not learn. And the pigs, like the cows too, and also the horses, like every other animal that is with us, they are trying to teach us, trying to make something clear to us. Also through their suffering, also through their pain.

What is it that our innocent and loving co-inhabitants are trying convey? Ms. Becker says that they want humans to learn greater compassion for all beings. To her telepathic communication plays an important role, because the moment people learn to deeply understand animals, they begin to see them in a completely different light.

That is also a goal of my entry-level classes. It is incredibly beautiful to see at the end of the first course, how the respect and the way animals are seen by the participants changes. You suddenly perceive animals in a totally different way. And through this people often start to think, start to ponder, start to ask questions. “What can I do to stop factory farming? What can I do if I witness an animal being tortured? Are there possibilities?”

And in the end, this is the goal of those entry-level courses that I teach, to make people aware of that. That they, start questioning their usual way of life. And that is also beautiful to see, how humans, in only two days, can change through this animal communication and that this awareness emerges.

That means we have the opportunity to relatively quickly and extensively change ourselves?

I experience that again and again. That is the nice thing and that is what I want to do. And that is exactly what animals tell us again and again, “One person is already enough.” I am one, but I can accomplish a lot. If there are only five people sitting in my class, then they go out, tell their families, their friends, and through this they can alter the consciousness. To raise the awareness and the attention to animal cruelty.

Christiane Becker is very concerned about the rapid loss of wildlife on our planet, and has communicated with some species about the current state of our environment.

I once had asked (the wild animals) about the loss of biodiversity, because so many animals are becoming less and less in number and are leaving the Earth. And very spontaneously I spoke with a gorilla on the line, a silverback, an elder male. He was very melancholic, very sad about the fact that there are less and less of his species.

I asked him then why he is so very, very sad. He said to me, that the world is an incredibly beautiful world, a lovable world and that on this world there is enough for everybody. But people do not want to share. Humans want to own, make war, in order to own.

But humans do not comprehend that they cannot own. Man cannot own the Earth and he cannot own the animals. Not really own. And the animals, the wild animals, like pets, are here to teach humans just this: that they cannot own.

And I asked then, where the difference is between wild animals and domestic animals, if they have different tasks or are different in respect to their essence. And he said to me, “Yes, there is a difference, because domestic animals partly choose their human caregiver. They come to humans to teach people something, in order to help them on their way.

Contrary to that, wild animals are closer to spirituality. They want to teach us something too, but more as a group, while domestic animals are individual animals.” And regarding spirituality, he told me one very important detail, “Humans kill animals and hunt them. And by doing this they remove themselves much more from spirituality. They are looking for it, but exactly through this act they do not find it.”

Why does a particular animal companion come into our life? After these messages, we will find out the surprising answer as we continue our discussion with Christiane Becker. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

We have grown together over a very long time, therefore she knows me inside out and knows all my shortcomings. But she is always in a good mood. Only if I am not good tempered is she not good tempered. In that case she tells me about it very clearly.

Welcome back to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants for our interview with Ms. Christiane Becker, an extraordinary telepathic animal communicator from Germany who believes there are many ways in which our animal companions help us in our journey through life.

Our animal companions, the domestic animals, who are with us, usually are with us for a certain reason. Mostly they have chosen us. Even if we think we bought them or it was a pure accident. There is no accident. They are with us for a certain reason. They are with us to teach us, to help us on our way.

Animals often protect us from harm. In the course of her work, she has learned of numerous instances where an animal has saved the life of their human companion.

A friend's cat awakened this woman her caregiver, because, in her flat she forgot to turn off the burner in the kitchen. A fire had started. And then the cat made a commotion until the woman woke up, got up and realized: “Oh, there is an unusual smell!” And then she was able to do something about it.

Otherwise the flat would have burnt down and who knows what else would have happened! Through this, of course, the inner connection between them was tremendously strengthened and she was very grateful to her cat for the rest of her life. And there are lots of stories about the way animals can help us in emergency situations.

In addition to safeguarding the ones around them, Ms. Becker says that animals can also encourage their caregiver to adopt better habits. She shares a remarkable lesson that her cat companion Tiger taught her.

The habit to go and just sit in front of the TV and then “turn off my head,” and make it empty. And he sees that as a rather stupid idea, that you do this in front of a TV. And if it continues too long for him, he simply goes into the curtain and starts to tear the curtain into pieces.

Of course at that moment I am very quickly distracted from the TV and “Whoa” I am scolding him. He catches my attention very quickly and I have to laugh now, if he does so, because I have understood what he wants. And (he does this) also to show to me that there are much more beautiful ways of relaxation, instead of just going and sitting in front of the TV. I experience that very often with him.

Ms. Becker believes that in some cases our animal companions may have been with us in our previous lifetimes.

It is my own tomcat, with whom I have a very close relationship. My tomcat is from different lives. Once I asked him about that. Both of us are rather old souls, but I for my part, unfortunately, have forgotten, while the animals remember such things. They know what is on the other side, after death. They can remember, we cannot.

Because we are here to learn this again intensively. And he is again with me, to help me with that. He was not always a cat. We were different people, different beings. But in this life he is a cat, because apparently I always liked cats. And being this animal he simply can help me better in this way. And I found this very beautiful.

Christiane Becker feels animals can enrich our lives through their inner wisdom. She now relates a very profound message she received from another beloved cat companion, Sternchen.

Regarding spirituality my small cat, Sternchen, said something very, very beautiful. She got me out of my bed in the middle of the night, talked to me, and sent me back to sleep Animals do not care about the clock. She said that happiness and friendliness are much more important than anything else. Simplicity is so much more difficult for us humans, because we are running through life, being so serious, so grim.

And yet through happiness and friendliness comes simplicity, joy of life. Through joy in life, through happiness, we can influence other people. We can attract them. Through that, we bring light and warmth to the world. And through this, spirituality comes. And she sends her love to all people.

We are grateful for all the noble and wise animals that bless our planet with their presence, and that Christiane Becker and other telepathic animal communicators across the world are assisting us in understanding what these amazing co-inhabitants have to share.

Let us heed the call of the animals to be kinder to the Earth and to be compassionate to all beings. To make an auspicious start to 2010, and a brand new decade, may the world resolve to follow the organic vegan diet to preserve all life and create ever-lasting harmony. For more information about Christiane Becker, please visit

Thank you for joining us on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants for the conclusion of our interview with Christiane Becker. Up next is Enlightening Entertainment, following Noteworthy News. May the Providence bless you with wisdom and abundance.