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A Gift of Love: Simple & Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai
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A Gift of Love: Simple & Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai * Gluten Protein (Seitan) with Creamy Vegan Pear Sauce * Boiled Fresh Vegetables November 27, 2008
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A Gift of Love: Simple & Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai
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Festlig julmiddag:* Vegan rostad skinka * Vegan Yorkshirepudding med sås
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* Sticky Rice Flour Cake with Roasted Black Sesame * Tapioca & Barley Sweet Dessert December 11, 2008
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* Pumpa & Veganostpinnar * Vegan apelsinglass 21 Nov, 2008
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Special aulacesisk frukost: Kladdigt ris med rostad sesam och veganskinka 16 Nov, 2008
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* Doftande sauterad bönpastablad med Persimon * Dessert: Friterad banan, 11 Nov, 2008 (På engelska)
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A Gift of Love: Simple & Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai * Homemade Noodles with Soy Protein & Vegetables * Dessert: Silken Tofu with Homemade Syrup 02 - Nov 2008
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A Gift of Love: Simple & Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai
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