Vegan Organic for Prosperity and to Save the Planet from Climate Change P1/8 Oct. 22, 2009 - Indonesia   
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A climate change conference entitled “Vegan Organic for Prosperity and to Save the Planet from Climate Change” was held on October 22, 2009, in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia.

The purpose of the conference was to raise awareness on the grave issues of global warming and the most effective and key solution to halt it in its tracks – the vegan diet.

Participating dignitaries included Indonesia’s Assistant Minister for Economics and Poverty Alleviation, Ms. Sri Hudyastuti. Also speaking as presenters were Ms. Hira Jamtani, an associate of the Third World Network based in Bali, Indonesia; Indonesian naval physician Dr. Anton Budiono; and Professor Aris Ananta,
senior researcher at the Institute of South East Asian Studies in Singapore. Guest of Honor Supreme Master Ching Hai graciously answered questions from distinguished audience members on topics such as the vegan trend to stop global warming, and ways to implement organic vegan farming.

We now invite you to join us for  8-part series rebroadcast of the videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai, entitled “Vegan Organic for Prosperity and to Save the Planet from Climate Change,” held on October 22, 2009 on Jakarta, Indonesia.

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