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Аулакский (вьетнамский) сладкий пудинг на Лунный Новый Год (аулакский)

(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Sweet Potato Coconut Dessert (Serves 4)
300 grams coconut milk
800 grams thin coconut milk
300 grams sweet potato, peeled and cubed
300 grams taro, peeled and cubed
300 grams cassava, peeled and cubed
200 grams sugar
50 grams potato starch sticks
100 grams mung beans, soaked
10 grams kelp, soaked and cut into thin strips
Pandan leaf

Jelly Ruby Jewel Coconut Dessert (Serves 4)
1.2 liter filtered water
15 grams agar powder
200 grams coconut milk
Pandan leaf color extract
400 grams sugar
200 grams cooked and puréed mung beans
100 grams ready-made grass jelly
100 grams tapioca starch
pearls – soaked, boiled, cooled in cold water