Веганская креольская Джамбалайа      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Long grain rice
½ can crush tomatoes
Red pepper
White mushrooms
Vegetarian ham
Dried oregano
1 small zucchini
1 stalk celery
1 stalk leek
Cajun spice
Onion and garlic, minced (optional)
Vegetable stock (or water, vegetable seasoning, pepper)
Vegetable oil

Directions (to preparing vegetables):

  1. Dice zucchini in cubes
  2. Dice 1 branch of celery in cubes
  3. Dice 1 leek in cubes (only take the white part)
  4. Mince the onion and garlic
  5. Cut vegan ham into cubes
Directions (to ):
  1. Put 3 tablespoons of oil into the pan
  2. Heat the pan
  3. Put zucchini in the hot oil
  4. Put celery
  5. Put leek
  6. Put the onion and garlic
  7. Put it high first about 10 minutes to make it golden and soft
  8. Put the thyme and dried oregano
  9. Put the cajun spice
  10. Put the tomatoes
  11. Cover until it's very boiled
  12. Add the water
  13. Add the vegetable seasoning
  14. Put the rice
  15. Put the mushrooms
  16. Put the ham
  17. Put red pepper
  18. Cook about 10–20 minutes
  19. Let it boil and then lower the heat and cover after
  20. Ready to serve

File NO: 1238
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