Между Мастером и учениками

Meditation:The Recharging of Energy July 16, 1995 Formosa (In English)
* Marinated Thai Eggplant * Challenging Tofu * Boiled Green Beans * Hot Banana Quickie February 10, 2009
From Judaism's Holy Tanakh:Book of Proverbs,Chapters 16-19
From the Baha’i Faith’s Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh: Lawh-I-Aqdas - The Most Holy Tablet
A Sufi Story:The Saint and the Sinner December 21, 2008 International Gathering
* Diamond Baguettes Stuffed with Vegan Ham Paste * Heart-shaped Bell Pepper with Peas * Sautéed Colorful Fruits * Sweet Tofu Hearts with Fresh Tangerine & Raisins - February 4, 2009
Benevolent Messages from Mars: Be Virtuous& Save the Earth - Part 1 Jan 18, 2009-CA, USA (In English)
From the Holy Buddhist Tipitaka:Samyutta Nikaya (The Grouped Discourses) -Devata-samyutta (Devas) (In English)
Our Sincerity Will Help Us Concentrate Part 1 February 20,1992 Hong Kong (In Chinese)
Humorous Stories of the Wise Mullah Nasrudin December 19,2008 International Gathering (In English)
* Vegan Zucchini Lasagna * Wholemeal Bread with Vegan Cream Cheese * Tomato & Cucumber Salad with Japanese Mustard Dressing - January 2009
The Only Refuge is in the Virtuous Way of Living - Part 1 August 24, 2008-Canada (In English)
From the Sacred Taoist Texts:Tao Te Ching - Chapters 28-41(In Chinese)
* Chinese Hot Pot * Reunion Pudding January 1, 2009
From The Essene Gospel of Peace:Book One,Part 1 (In English)
International Sites