Между Мастером и учениками

From the Holy Buddhist Tipitaka: Kukkuravatika Sutta: The Dog-duty Ascetic
The Purpose of Human Life - P1/3 Feb. 20, 1992 Hong Kong (In English & Cantonese)
Everything Comes from Us Dec. 22, 2008 International Gathering
Simple Curry-March 25, 2009
Eating Meat Destroys Lives and Harms the Planet P 1/ 7
From the Sacred Confucian Analects - Chapters 12-13 P1/2 (In Chinese)
From the Essene Gospel of Peace - Book 3 The Sevenfold Vow The Essene Worship The Angel of Sun, Water, Air
We are Originally Pure - Part 1/2 Mar. 6, 1993 Singapore
Ching Hai's Goulash-March 6, 2009
From Hinduism's Sacred Text: Devi Bhagavatum, Fourth Book, Chapter 4 (In Hindi)
The Ego is the Greatest Enemy P1/2 - Dec. 6, 2008 International Gathering
Baked Apples and Savory Pancakes - March 4, 2009
From the Holy Kitab-I-Aqdas of the Baha'I Faith:Paragraphs 20-38
From Sikhism's Holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib: Guru Nanak, Page 1342-1345 (In Punjabi)
The Punishment of a Stingy Man P1/2 Dec. 27, 1992 Santimen, Formosa (In English)
International Sites