Музыка и поэзия Нахождение своего собственного звука: Давид Бенуа, уважаемый американский композитор, пианист, дирижер – ч 2 из 2   
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At one time or another, most people would feel a sense of isolation in life. We came to this world alone, and at times our loneliness feels to be more than we can endure. When we meet a kindred spirit with whom to share the ups and downs of this ephemeral existence, how life changes! 

『Now that you’re around,』 
life is again replete with joy and precious moments.
And you love me, too.
Your thoughts are just for me
You set my spirit free.
And I’m happy that you do.
The book of life is free
When other pages are read
Another world is there
That is my belief.

And, yet, I know how lonely life can be.
The shadow follows me,
and the nights won’t set me free.
But I won’t let the evening get me down
Now that you’re around me.

And you love me, too.
Your thoughts are just for me
You set my spirits free.
I’m happy that you do.
The book of life is free
And when other pages are read
Another world is there.
That is my belief.
Là lá lá lá lá la la là la
Lá la la là la
Lá la la là la là...

Greetings, noble viewers! Today, we’re pleased to continue with part 2 of our tribute program in 『Finding One’s Own Sound: David Benoit, Esteemed American Composer, Pianist, Conductor.』 

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Музыка и поэзия Нахождение своего собственного звука: Давид Бенуа, уважаемый американский композитор, пианист, дирижер – ч 2 из 2
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