Айты, калинга и ифугао : взгляд на три коренные культуры Филиппин (тагалог)   
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Halo gentle-hearted viewers, welcome to A Journey through Aesthetic Realms on Supreme Master Television. The Philippines is an archipelagic nation located on the Western Pacific Rim. For thousands of years, the contented and hard-working island residents have developed a highly advanced system of rice farming,
which provides the basic sustenance for a wide diversity of indigenous populations.

The culture of each aboriginal community displays distinct beauty. Today, we will look at three unique societies located on Luzon, the Philippines’ largest island and home to the nation’s capital, Manila.

The Aetas are believed to be the descendants of the earliest inhabitants of the islands. They arrived 30,000 years ago through territorial links with mainland Asia. The nomadic group still retains its original traditions and belief systems.

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