Наука и духовность Рене Джоргенсен: освещение полесмертного опыта – ч 1 из 2   
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HOST: Welcome, wonderrful viewers, to Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master Television. Today in the first in a two-part program, we are privileged to visit with Rene Jorgensen of Denmark, founder  of NDELight, a non-profit organization with the mission to share information and research on near death experiences
(NDEs) with the public.

In 2000, Mr. Jorgensen had a profound experience where he left his physical body and entered into another dimension. There he encountered a brilliant light which filled his whole being with infinite and boundless love.

Rene Jorgensen (m): I used to be your average business guy, maybe a little selfish, narcissistic a product of modern culture, until I went on a journey to India and that's when I had my personal spiritual awakening.
I had a very deep, profound spiritual experience that radically changed my life and the way I look at life. From that moment on, I changed the direction of my life. I started my own spiritual walk, I came across a near death experience and I figured out that that was actually very similar to my own spiritual experience.

HOST: Rene Jorgensen was then inspired to look deeper into science, religion, philosophy and the near death experience phenomenon. Based on his research, he has written three books about NDEs, namely Awakening After Life, Behind 90 Minutes in Heaven, and The Light Behind God.
He also regularly conducts public lectures and gives interviews on the subject. Let us now learn more about Mr. Jorgensen’s transformative event in India.

For more details on Rene Jorgensen, please visit www.ReneJorgensen.com
To learn more about NDE Light, please visit www.NDElight.org
Books by Mr. Jorgensen are available at either website

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