Магия табла с Пандит Кумар Бозе из Индии (хинди)   
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HOST: Welcome, music lovers, to Enlightening Entertainment. Today, we will feature the internationally celebrated Indian tabla maestro, percussionist and composer, Pandit Kumar Bose, from Calcutta, West Bengal, India.

Belonging to the Banaras Gharana (school) of table playing, Kumar Bose gave his first public performance when he was only four. In his early teens he was already performing overseas. He has performed in the most prestigious venues such as the Royal Albert Hall in London, United Kingdom,

the Carnegie Hall in New York, USA, and the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, to name a few. He has also collaborated with music greats such as Zubin Mehta, Lord Yehudi Menuhin, and George Harrison.

To start, let’s enjoy part of a rendition that the legendary tabla maestro gaveat the Darbar festival in London, UK.

For more information on Pandit Kumar Bose, please visit www.KumarBose.in
Music CDs of Pandit Kumar Bose are available at www.Amazon.com
or at www.CDBaby.com/CD/PanditKumar

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