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HOST: Gracious viewers, hallo and welcome to today’s Good People, Good Works, featuring an interview with Mia MacDonald, the vegan founder and executive director of the non-profit organization Brighter Green.
Based in New York City, USA, the organization’s dedicated members use their wide range of skills and knowledge to help create a better world for humans, animals, and our planet. 

Mia MacDonald (f): Brighter Green is a public policy 『action tank,』 and it was established to look at issues of environment, animals and sustainability, bring those together, transform public policy and dialogue about those issues globally and locally, with a particular focus on issues of equity and rights.

So when I say 『public policy,』 I mean government policies; I also mean the way society views certain issues.  And our goal is really to do thinking, so we’re like a think tank, but we call ourselves an 『action tank』 because while we’re thinking, we’re also doing.

We’re taking the results of our research, our writing, our thinking, some international networking, to transform those into actual programs and actual change on the ground.

For more details on Brighter Green,
please visit  www.BrighterGreen.org

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