Институт кулинарных искусств «Живой свет» - ч 1 из 3   
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Часть 2 Play with windows media Скачать
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Часть 3 Play with windows media Скачать
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HOST: Fort Bragg, surrounded by spectacular natural beauty of Redwood forests and the rugged Mendocino Coast is home to Living Light Culinary Art Institute, an internationally renowned, prestigious education establishment dedicated to healthy gourmet raw food cuisine.

Founder and Director Cherie Soria is the school’s source of inspiration, and the acclaimed author of “The Raw Food Revolution Diet.”  Cherie’s expertise from teaching culinary arts for the past four decades has attracted students from 40 countries to Living Light, including professional chefs and instructors.

For more information on Living Light Culinary Arts Institute,
please visit: RawFoodChef.com

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