Любовь – это величайший закон вселенной – ч 1 из 2 26 сентября, 1994 года, Сингапур   
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Часть 2 Play with windows media Скачать
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Located at one of the crossroads of the world, Singapore's strategic position has helped her grow into a major entrepôt and financial center for trade, communications and tourism. Today, Singapore proudly owns the world’s busiest port, best airport and best airline.

Singapore is also well known around the world as a Garden City. Though there are many glittering skyscrapers, there are a lot of green trees and beautiful plants along the road sides and around the island.
This is attributed to the continuous effort of the Singapore government in planting trees and plants.

Singapore’s uniqueness stems from her harmonious blend of race and culture. The immigrants of the past have given her a mixture of Malay,Chinese, Indian, and European.

Each racial group has its own distinctive culture and there are colorful festivals of special significance all year round. Although the festivals are special to certain races, it is nonetheless enjoyedby all.

With open attitude toward spirituality, sincere Truth seekers in Singapore thus invited Supreme Master Ching Hai to share her knowledge and wisdom in several occasions.

We now invite you to listen to Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lecture entitled “Love is the Greatest Law in the Universe,” delivered on September 26, 1994 in Singapore.

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