(Para todos ingredientes, por favor usem as versões orgânicas se disponíveis)
500 g farinha de trigo 200 gramas de açúcar 150 ml de óleo de girassol 2 colheres (chá) de extrato de malte 1 xícara de leite de amêndoas 50 g de fermento fresco Nozes, frutas cristalizadas, nibs de cacau, etc.
Para o recheio 1 colher cheia (sopa) de açúcar de confeiteiro e água fervente para o glaceado vinagre
Directions (to make Argentinean Pan Dulce):
- Mixture: take 20 almonds, you soak them overnight. On the following day, you peel them, put them into a blender. Blend them with a cup of water, strain it and the almond milk is ready. Add the yeast (almond milk needs to be warm), add a little bit of sugar and a little bit of flour. Mixed up and set it aside (until bigger and foamy texture)
- Put the flour in the bowl
- Add organic sugar, mix them
- Leave a kind of hole in the center of the bowl
- Pour some oil
- Pour the mixture
- Add 2 teaspoons the malt extract
- Mixed them
- Bring a little bit of flour (with the flour you can knead at ease so it won’t get stuck to your fingers)
- Knead it strongly
- The dough shouldn’t be so elastic. It should be a little firm (gradually adding flour)
- Let it rest for about an hour, cover it with a biodegradable plastic bag
- Divide the dough into two (we can make two loaves of sweet bread)
- Chop the dried fruits
- Add the fruits gradually inside the dough
- Put the dough in the bowl and cover it with paper and biodegradable bag
- Let it rest for 5-8 hour
- Put it in a baking pan, in the oven with a low heat
- It’ll last about 40 minutes, between 40 and an hour, depending on the oven
- Mixed confectioner’s sugar with a little boiling water (a thick consistency)
- This confectioner’s sugar will make a kind of glazing, that will cover the sweet bread.
- Add some dried fruits, some walnuts, almonds in the center. Add the glazing on top of the dried fruits so that they stick
- Between 5–10 minutes the decoration and glazing are ready to taste
- Ready to serve