Cozinhando com crianças: divertidos bastões de frutas com delicioso molho vegano (em Inglês)      

Cooking with Kids: Fun Fruit Sticks with Yummy Vegan Dip

For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available

Fun Fruit Sticks
Various fruits, such as:

2 bananas
1 cup grapes
in different colors
11–12 strawberries
Half a pineapple
* Skewer sticks
Yummy Vegan Dip
8 ounce Tofutti Better than Cream Cheese, softened

1 cup Tofutti
Sour Supreme
3 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Peal the banana and cut it for the sticks.
2. Prepare all the other fruits, basically just wash them with clean water.
3. Assemble the skewer sticks.
4. To prepare the dip sauce, mix vegan cheese cream and sour cream, sugar and vanilla.
5. Dip the fruits and enjoy!

File NO: 951
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