Singaporean Clay Pot Rice (In English)      


  • 4 cups white rice / brown rice
  • 250g cabbage
  • Any 2 types of mushroom
  • 1 pakcage smoked tofu
  • ½ piece red pepper
    ½ piece yellow pepper
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon fruits seasoning
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 2 teaspoons sesame oil
  • Sesame seeds
  • and celery for garnishing

Instead of cooking rice stand-alone with a rice cooker, claypot rice is a dish with rice and various vegetables cooked in a claypot. Since it’s a mixture of rice and vegetables, the selection of vegetables is important to bring in textures and get rice different flavors. It is also a complete meal with all nutrients in the same pot.

Cooking Instruction

(1) Place vegetable oil in the pot and heat it up. This dish stirs fry all ingredients including rice, so the amount of oil is a little more than you usually sauté a dish. Add pearl rice in the pot and stir fry it until it turns brownish.

(2) Add chopped cabbage in the pot and continue fry cabbage with rice.

(3) Add mushroom, shitake mushroom, smoky fried tofu, a great source of protein, carrots, red pepper and yellow pepper. Stir fry all ingredients.

(4) Season fried rice and vegetables with soy sauce, salts and fruit seasonings. Continue frying claypot rice for a few minutes. Lastly, add sesame oil to give a fragrant taste.

(5) Pour fried rice and vegetable in a claypot. Add water in the clay pot until water is about an inch lower than the top edge of the claypot. Cover the claypot, bring to boil and let it simmer for another 10 minutes.

Garnish the claypot rice with sesame seeds and celery on the top. Then it is ready to serve. Bon Appetit.

File NO: 523,
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