Cérebro místico, com a diretora Dra. Isabelle Raynauld - Parte 1/2    Parte 1

Inquiring viewers,today on Science and Spirituality,we present an interview with Canadian director,
writer, and film professor at the University of Montreal, Canada Dr. Isabelle Raynauld,regarding her film 『Mystical Brain』,the 2008 winner of the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television’s Prix Gémeaux,or Gemini Prize, in the best nature and science documentary category.

『Mystical Brain』 follows a group of researchers from the University of Montreal as they conduct a study into the role of the brain in transcendental experiences, sometimes called 『communion with God』 or 『samadhi,』that occur during prayer or meditation. The study participants were nuns from the
Carmelite Catholic order.

Dr. Raynauld, who is the winner of the 2002 Jutra Award for『Best Documentary』and a two-time recipient of the Prix Gémeaux,now shares how she first became interested in creating this film.

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