VIDA SAUDÁVEL Etapas simples para uma melhor saúde global: Dr. Juan Garay   

Dr. Juan Garay(m): Global health is about thinking beyond our domestic health issues in a globalized world. There are things that are good for all humanity, and this is where our efforts should go to.

HOST: Halo, compassionate viewers, and welcome to today's Healthy Living featuring Dr. Juan Garay Amores, health-team coordinator at the European Commission Directorate General for Development.

Originally from Spain, this noble public health physician spent many years in remote areas of sub-Saharan Africa, caring for children, mothers, the elderly and others in need. Seeking to be of service to the international community, in 2002 Dr. Garay joined the European Commission, where he continues to exercise his passion for bettering global health.

Dr Juan Garay (m): My main work, and I'm a doctor, has been on health, and that has been fascinating over this decade. I don't think there is a decade in history that has brought so many changes in the international health and global health debates.

And we are exactly now at the moment where global health thinking and approaches are dramatically changing. So being at the heart of it and trying to push some ideas in the European Union of addressing global health challenges has been fascinating. My two main 『babies』 are the work on children's rights, and of course, the continuous commitment to health in the world. [NFT: babies here is an expression meaning two main issues he works on]

HOST: The most critical problem facing our planet today is climate change. Dr. Garay now shares his concerns about this crisis and explains its impact on world health.

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