Vídeos Destacados

Jacqueline Ripstein - Painter of the Invisible Light
Camila and Akahi:Expectant Breatharian Parents (In Spanish)
Meeting Babaji, the Great Immortal Saint
United Nations World Food Day: A Global Wake-up Call on Food Security
The True Cost of Meat - Compilation of Supreme Master Ching Hai's lectures
Extreme Cold: Another Harmful Consequence of Climate Change
Jessie Fan: Bringing to Life the Ancient Art of Dunhuang (In Chinese)
American Vegetarianism:Tracing a Venerable History with Adam Shprintzen
Dr. Joean Oon: Greening the Earth with the Garbage Enzyme
The Unconscionable Cruelty Behind Meat: An Interview with Dr. Jeffrey Masson
Rene Jorgensen:Bringing Light to Near Death Experiences
Path of Saints: Sant Mat Tradition of Light and Sound
Acting on Kindness: The Noble Heart of Animal Advocate & Actress Eliza Roberts
Be Frugal: It Begins at Our Table - Compilation of Supreme Master Ching Hai's lectures
Climate Change in Africa: Nnimmo Bassey, Friends of the Earth International
International Sites