De "Uma verdade inconveniente" a “Meat the Truth” ("A verdade da carne"): mensagens oportunas de cineastas preocupados com o meio ambiente   

From the silent spread of drought, to the dramatic loss of ice in the Arctic and Antarctic lairs, the perils of climate change are accelerating, catching all too many of us unaware. Fortunately, they have been brought to light before our eyes through informative and creative media, including films. They shed light on how these complex situations affect our lives and call us to bold action. Please join us as we come to know some of these films and their creators who have made it a mission to help save this planet we called home.

Tokyo International Film Festival
Louie Psihoyos – Director of Oscar winning film
The Cove (M):
One of the tragic ironies of this movie is that the dolphin is the only wild animal throughout history to save the life of a human being.
The only way that we can save the life of a dolphin now is to prove that we made his environment so toxic, that we can no longer eat them. It shows you the amount of respect that we lost for the animal and the amount of respect that we lost for ourselves.

Tokyo International Film Festival
Louie Psihoyos – Director of Oscar winning film
The Cove (M):
The dead zones are increasing in number and they’re increasing in size. We’re trying to solve the problem in one little cove, but it’s really a microcosm of what’s going on in the oceans. With all the fertilizers and
run-offs and pesticides, it’s killing the oceans.

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