Museu de Belas Artes e História Afro-Americana do Condado de Cabarrus   

Welcome, bright viewers,to today’s Enlightenment Entertainment.
Throughout history,wherever the African people settled in the world,they brought their talents
and their heritage, while participating in the greater progress as members of their communities.

The Cabarrus County Museum of Fine Art & African American History,located in the city of Concord,North Carolina, USA,honors this fact. It provides its visitors a window into the rich world of African American artists and the contributions of African American heroes to human history. Mr. Bernard Davis, Jr. is
the founder of the museum.

Mr Davis(m):
I was primarily inspired to do the museum,because there are many African American stories
out there in Cabarrus County that needed to be told. Aside from that,we also globally wanted the world to know about the history of our culture,so that we could become an intricate part of the universal culture.

Mr Davis(m):
I’d be pleased to do that. Follow me. (Pause)  One of the pieces that I’m very proud of is a piece by Jacob Lawrence. Jacob Lawrence, is uh his family was from South Carolina.  One of the things that uh fascinate me about uh about Mr. Lawrence’s work is the way that he incorporates the colors, um just a universal feel. By the way,this particular piece is entitled, 『The Library.』

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